
In my defense, you did say you’re always careful as if it happens a lot :lau:oops:
I mean, of course I'd be careful, right? The hatchet isn't even allowed indoors! It's safer for everyone that way!
Apparently now you’re always seeking the best medicine you can do “that crap” a lot whatever that crap is :lau
Makes ya wonder...
:lauLaughter is the "best medicine"!!! Everybody knows "that crap"!:bun
I mean, of course I'd be careful, right? The hatchet isn't even allowed indoors! It's safer for everyone that way!

Makes ya wonder...
:lauLaughter is the "best medicine"!!! Everybody knows "that crap"!:bun

:lau good point!! And probably a good idea lol

And :lau I never thought of it that way before but that is perfect!! :lau :love

And this thread provides the most medicine anywhere. :lau

I was trying so hard not to bust out laughing at the airport lol
In 2020 I’ll be a little bit more careful though I think I’ll probably keep all my kids and I don’t want them going on the road so I will be sure to take them out to eat and then I’ll get them and I’ll probably keep them in my house so hopefully they can get some more meat and I’ll be a little bit of a chicken sandwich but it is so good haha
:lau these are hilarious to me!!

:lau sooo are you planning a revolt? Revolution?? :pop

And you have to go back and forth a lot :lau

Sounds like a fun time! :lau

:lau She probably won’t even read these :lau

Skim maybe :lau

Hopefully she does though cause she’ll pee. :lau

And :lau I really hope it’s a chicken!! So is the him that wants ice cream also a chicken or a different him!?

is he a chicken orrrrr????

:lau :gig :lau

When did we become a kingdom? :lau:pop
This is a hoot!
In 2020 I’ll be a little bit more careful though I think I’ll probably keep all my kids and I don’t want them going on the road so I will be sure to take them out to eat and then I’ll get them and I’ll probably keep them in my house so hopefully they can get some more meat and I’ll be a little bit of a chicken sandwich but it is so good haha
Oh goody! You've decided that you'll probably keep all the kids!!!:lau
@KDOGG331 :lau:lau:lau I was just telling you about Lorena Bobbitt :lau I need depends NOW

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