I got really far behind!!!!

You’re apparently getting in a fight with the president and also the Middle East and Africa and starting world war 3???? Please don’t. :lau :oops:
The middle east coast of Africa, is that even a place?
:lau NO!!! Definitely not!! At least not last time I checked. :lau :oops:
My phone can't possibly be wrong:idunno
In 2020 I will want more than you can afford to do so I'm gonna try to get some sleep tonight but it's not like a rooster in the end just a little bit better than the other way around here and I don't want a lot of people who are not allowed in my life without you and your input on this time of day
In 2020 I will need the money back guarantee that you will have a great time in life without her head and neck molt
In 2020 My dog will be okay with a separate bowl and I don't think they will be able to tell you what they don't know
These two made me laugh so hard!!! OMG!!! I can’t breathe!!! :lau:gig:lau

I’m still laughing. :lau:lau:lau
I can't stop laughing.
I keep thinking we all sound like drunk real life nutters.
:oldImagine anyone just stumbling upon this thread.....:caf they'd be sure of it!:lau
:lau dogs will learn to talk in 2020??? :D
I can’t breathe! :lau
My abs hurt from laughing so hard
:lauThese are super funny! I especially like @oldhenlikesdogs 2020 predictions/plans.
I'm quietly snickering so my husband doesn't ask what the heck I'm doing. :lau
I don't snicker, I laugh, cry & snort, and then do it again!:lau
:lau when I was at the airport yesterday, I was trying so hard not to laugh!! I had to quietly snicker too but I was ready to bust out in a fill on laugh. :lau
I didn’t wanna look like a weirdo laughing to myself lol
Right now though I’m the only one awake so I can laugh and I’ve been laughing for like a solid 5 minutes straight. :lau
My DH & dogs are the only ones that see & hear me, & they know I'm a weirdo already, so no sense pretending otherwise!:lau
In 2020 I'll be a bit more like an adult dating free range chicken eggs from my husband
You gonna have a busy year being more like an "adult" by dating "naked necks" & "free range eggs"! Better rest up, gonna get crazy today!:lau
This one is fantastic!!! :lau:gig:lau:gig
I can’t :lau:gig:lau
This one and the naked one are amazing. :lau:gig:lau
Too FREAKING funny!!!
I keep getting naked coming up. :idunno,,,,:lau

We are off to bed. Thanks for the fun @KDOGG331 , catch you next year. :frow
:wootHappy New Year Y'all!!!
:hugs :hugs
Dang! I was gonna give you a bowl of cereal!!
Goodnight :)
I love saying that! Lol I missed it since it’s the new year now but it’s always hilarious to me when people are like “see you next year” or I haven’t done x since last year. :lau
I haven’t drunken any water since last year :lau :oops:
"Since last year" I had a little more than that here but it is not the same thing when you have to go back and try again and again I am so excited about my account is locked in a bit more difficult to see the new releases on my last hatch and I don't think I could do it myself or I would be the one I was just thinking of the same way that the other one will turn to the BYC flock to the BYC flock and the rest are all my people and I can get it out to California and I don't want it all to me like BYC and I can get a lot more to hatch than you can get. :lau
In 2020 I'll have to check him in this time and energy though they all love the chowder with your house full coverage of the situation in Syria would definitely be able to come over right after we don't want to see that silly nonsense this time of night my brain is wore out in the back yard smoking with that one welsummer rooster who played Rachel's baby brother in Jacksonville Texas last summer and they have absolutely beautiful blue eyes on you guys work on adding that to your coop before it gets worse than that one broody hen who tries her best to scratch the surface of the situation in Syria......
That ones awesome’:gig
X2 :lau
Apparently I have some pretty unique chickens.... a welsummer rooster who played Rachel's brother and a broody hen concerned with the situation in Syria :idunno
And just what are we smoking out in the back yard..... :p
:lauThis one kills me everytime I read it! It is hilarious! I love it!
"In 2020 I" want you so bad for the world of air breathers that you are a bit more than a little more difficult times than the one that is the only one I had ever had to take the first step in my mind is a bit more than that here but it is not the same thing when you have to go back and try again to get the house and give me the other day and the other is a bit more than a flitter and I can do that crap and try again and then I'll get back with me I can do that crap on our way to keep it in a few minutes and I don't think I need a good one or the next one I had a good day today.
Apparently I have some pretty unique chickens.... a welsummer rooster who played Rachel's brother and a broody hen concerned with the situation in Syria :idunno

And just what are we smoking out in the back yard..... :p


I was gonna say the same things!! And ask that same question! :lau

I got really far behind!!!!

The middle east coast of Africa, is that even a place?

My phone can't possibly be wrong:idunno





:oldImagine anyone just stumbling upon this thread.....:caf they'd be sure of it!:lau

:lauThese are super funny! I especially like @oldhenlikesdogs 2020 predictions/plans.

I don't snicker, I laugh, cry & snort, and then do it again!:lau

My DH & dogs are the only ones that see & hear me, & they know I'm a weirdo already, so no sense pretending otherwise!:lau

You gonna have a busy year being more like an "adult" by dating "naked necks" & "free range eggs"! Better rest up, gonna get crazy today!:lau

Too FREAKING funny!!!


:wootHappy New Year Y'all!!!

"Since last year" I had a little more than that here but it is not the same thing when you have to go back and try again and again I am so excited about my account is locked in a bit more difficult to see the new releases on my last hatch and I don't think I could do it myself or I would be the one I was just thinking of the same way that the other one will turn to the BYC flock to the BYC flock and the rest are all my people and I can get it out to California and I don't want it all to me like BYC and I can get a lot more to hatch than you can get. :lau

X2 :lau

I was gonna try to break this into separate quotes but I don’t even know where to begin and it’s 3am so I’ll reply as a blob lol probably won’t make sense but :lau

You’re not behind, we’re just super chatty!! Lol

And I don’t think it is but ???? Maybe your phone invented a country. :lau

And :lau I know, I knew it was wrong and it was hilarious. Just further confirming in case anyone stumbles upon this and doesn’t know ;)

Speaking of which, I am sure the people stumbling upon this or even historians way far from now will think we are insane and be like what the heck were they doing? Or even... what the heck is autocorrect? :lau

:lauThis one kills me everytime I read it! It is hilarious! I love it!


This entire thread has been AWESOME!!! I haven't laughed this hard in waay too long. :lol:

Awww I’m glad we could make you laugh!! :lau :hugs

I too have been laughing way more than I have in a long time lately. :lau

"In 2020 I" want you so bad for the world of air breathers that you are a bit more than a little more difficult times than the one that is the only one I had ever had to take the first step in my mind is a bit more than that here but it is not the same thing when you have to go back and try again to get the house and give me the other day and the other is a bit more than a flitter and I can do that crap and try again and then I'll get back with me I can do that crap on our way to keep it in a few minutes and I don't think I need a good one or the next one I had a good day today.

:lau :gig :lau

In 2020 I had a little more difficult time in my mind is a bit more than that too but everything was fine but it is not the only one I was just wondering about that for the last few weeks and the other one will turn out the trash on me is a good thing he says it's a bit more difficult times than they ever had seen before but they are the only ones either in a bit more difficult than that here I was thinking of ordering him to the BYC flock to help you get to see if you could be prevented by the #DeepState of my kids were they not nest in the same time I see it now and I can do that crap and try again to make it a little more than a flitter but I think I need a new low and high.

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