In Another Realm - A Shapeshifting RP


5 Years
Nov 28, 2014

(Skip to end of story for a very quick summary.)

Humans rule the Earth, but in another realm, things are run a different way.

A herd of elephants slowly walked through the brush, some with calves by their sides.
The dominant cow was proudly leading them to find water. There had just been a rough storm, which promised many waterholes and would help the plants grow.

They finally reached a large body of clear water, that made a perfect mirror image of the golden clouds that littered the sky, and the wrinkled faces of the colossal creatures.

"We may drink." She said, and suddenly the large mammal turned into a human, wrinkled gray leathery hide turning into smooth copper toned skin in moments. She knelt down, cupped her hands, and drank from the perfectly still liquid.

Miles away, two veiled chameleons sat quietly in a tree.
The larger one launched at the rather small one, and bit his side.

The fight escalated quickly and the smaller chameleon turned into a man, and used his hand to simply slap the other one out of the tree. In seconds the dark skinned human turned into a colorful reptile and continued on his way through the canopy of trees.

Deep in the forest, an ocelot slinked around, looking for a meal. But when it heard a loud crack, a gasp, and a scared shout, the curious feline couldn't help but check to see what was going on.
As he looked around, he saw a human female with a carnival mask on and a bright red, knee length dress. She also had a sword in hand, and was sitting on the ground looking extremely shaken.

"My, my. What do we have here?" The ocelot said curiously, flicking his tail in her face as he walked around her, very confused as to why an obvious human was in this realm.
"Wha-? Get away from me, cat!" The woman said angrily and thrust her sword at him. The ocelot hissed.

"Hey, girl! You almost killed me! Why are you here? You smell like a human!" He said angrily.
"I've been trying to get into this realm, and I have it figured out! It was rather unexpected, but still happened. So get away from me!" She swung her sword at him again.
The ocelot launched at her and bit her jugular. He then walked away, concerned...That was a human. Obviously magical.

How did a human get in here? In another realm?

(Summary: This is another realm, not earth, where no humans exist and all animals can shape shift. But an ocelot has discovered a human (a Nihil, to be exact (will be explained)), and that means that somehow humans have discovered how to cross the barrier between worlds. This could ruin their perfect realm.)

What are Nihil: I completely made Nihil up! They're humans with no eyes (so they wear masks) but can basically sense everything around them, and they control either plants or water. Nihil have tried for years to leave Earth and go to another realm, and so far only one has been able to do it (she's dead now).

What creatures inhabit this realm: Basically any forest-type creature. Asian elephants, chameleons, lemurs, leopards, anything that actually exists that could live in a forest. No domesticated animals, that is basically the only species rule. Well, that and it has to actually exist.


Shape shifter:

Animal form:
Human form:


Power (plants or water):

My form:

Name: Ninovan
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Species: Asian elephant
Personality: Ninovan is quiet, smart, and a survivor. She can be very compassionate, but usually focuses less on emotions and more on staying alive.
History: Ninovan just became leader, after her mother died of a fatal wound.
Animal form: Normal Asian elephant
Human form: Ninovan is tall with long pure black hair, large brown eyes, copper toned skin, and a graceful figure. She carries a spear with her and her hair has a few small braids here and there.
Mate?: None. Open.
Other: Ninovan has a large scar on her arm, and many scars on her ears but those aren't easy to notice.
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(Oh my gosh, garjzla!this is a really cool role play!how do you come up with these ideas?)

Shape shifter:

Species:Bengal tiger(yes they live in the rainforest(I guess these takes place In a rainforest like place))
Personality:kind, shy, can get very angry at times.
History:her mother was killed by a leopard when she was just a cub.
Animal form:regular Bengal tiger.
Human form:short blond hair and blue eyes.she eaters wears her armor or a red and black dress with chain mall around the shoulders and nect, long sleeve.
Other:she has a sword.


Personality:dark, cold, mysterious, can be kind a times of weakness.kind to anybody hurt or sick and kind to baby animals.
Picture/Description:pure black hair and very very pale skin and icy blue eyes.
Mask:a black and silver one.
Power (plants or water):plants
Weapon:a sword.
(Oh my gosh, garjzla!this is a really cool role play!how do you come up with these ideas?)

Shape shifter:

Species:Bengal tiger(yes they live in the rainforest(I guess these takes place In a rainforest like place))
Personality:kind, shy, can get very angry at times.
History:her mother was killed by a leopard when she was just a cub.
Animal form:regular Bengal tiger.
Human form:short blond hair and blue eyes.she eaters wears her armor or a red and black dress with chain mall around the shoulders and nect, long sleeve.
Other:she has a sword.


Personality:dark, cold, mysterious, can be kind a times of weakness.kind to anybody hurt or sick and kind to baby animals.
Picture/Description:pure black hair and very very pale skin and icy blue eyes.
Mask:a black and silver one.
Power (plants or water):plants
Weapon:a sword.

(I just sit around and think. Sometimes I actually can't sleep because I'm thinking of stories. XD Accepted!)
Name: Phelin
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Lemur
Personality: Funny, Kind, and defensive
History: Parents died two years ago by a Jaguar. She lives on her own now
Animal form: Tiny, fluffy, and brown.
Human form: Short brown hair, blue eyes and tan skin. wears a green knee-length dress.
Mate?: Open
Other: Good with bow and arrows


Name: Neila
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold to every animals except fluffy and cute ones. Loves to kill ugly things.
History: None
Picture/Description: White mask, Blue dress, and medium length blonde hair
Mask: White
Power (plants or water): Water
Weapon: Javalin
Other: none
Name: Phelin
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Lemur
Personality: Funny, Kind, and defensive
History: Parents died two years ago by a Jaguar. She lives on her own now
Animal form: Tiny, fluffy, and brown.
Human form: Short brown hair, blue eyes and tan skin. wears a green knee-length dress.
Mate?: Open
Other: Good with bow and arrows


Name: Neila
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold to every animals except fluffy and cute ones. Loves to kill ugly things.
History: None
Picture/Description: White mask, Blue dress, and medium length blonde hair
Mask: White
Power (plants or water): Water
Weapon: Javalin
Other: none

Name: Vincent
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Ocelot
Personality: Vincent is curious, clever, and a very positive creature. He loves to tease, and is an excellent hunter. Vincent is also pretty laid back.
History: Vincent has a normal ocelot history. Though, he was the one that killed the first Nihil to arrive here.
Animal form:

Human form: Vincent is tall, muscular, and has tan skin. He has neat black hair and large green eyes.
Mate?: Open.
Other: None.
(I would join, but there are no fire Nihils.......
(I would allow fire Nihils, but if someone controls fire it's really easy for them to power play, since fire is basically the strongest element.)
(Oh yeah, guys, we can start.)

Vincent wandered around the forest, away from where he had found the Nihil. He would have eaten it, but he liked smaller meals. And he didn't know if human tasted good anyway.

Flicking his tail, he looked around with his large cat eyes and was glad that he heard nothing and saw nothing out of the ordinary around here. Everything was normal for this realm, as it should be.

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