In Honor of Ginger: Share your Rooster pictures here!

They look good!
Here are two of my roosters that are still alive and kicking. They are George's son and grandson.

First we have Humberto, brought up by foster moms (3 wyandotte hens raising 2 little chicks, it was adorable) because his real Lakenvelder mom is a true Lakenvelder; she doesn't sit and she's not interested in raising chicks.
Humberto is 50% Lakenvelder and at least 25% Wyandotte. The other 25% is a mix of wyandotte and some Dutch breeds. Dirk is his father.
Humberto is a very caring and kind man, but a bit shy when it comes to humans. He's pretty loud, always talking to his girls.
As you can see he has a bit scaley legs, but we're actively treating this problem.

This is Dirk, at least 50% Wyandotte, and very hard to photograph. Here he's photobombed by one of his Lekenvelder ladies.
Dirk is George's son, and he's a great rooster. Very kind, a very good man to his ladies.

Humberto and Dirk sound just like my Ginger used to be! Loud, caring of his hens but unlike Dirk and Humberto Ginger always vying for attention - therefore he was always wanting his picture taken . Do your Roos get along? Is Dirk afraid of humans?
I've never had a rooster that wasn't caring of his ladies. But I only had roos that had at least 30% wyandotte blood, and wyandotte's are known to be very caring. My roos are also great with babies. Very curious, very protective. Dirk is a bit shy towards humans. I don't know why, he just is. My roos don't get along. And the Lakenvelder hens don't get along with anything with feathers that's not one of their sisters or Dirk. So I started with one coop, and now I have three. (That really don't match.
I've never had a rooster that wasn't caring of his ladies. But I only had roos that had at least 30% wyandotte blood, and wyandotte's are known to be very caring. My roos are also great with babies. Very curious, very protective. Dirk is a bit shy towards humans. I don't know why, he just is. My roos don't get along. And the Lakenvelder hens don't get along with anything with feathers that's not one of their sisters or Dirk. So I started with one coop, and now I have three. (That really don't match.
I want wyandottes so bad!

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