In the emergency of a natural disaster where do you move your chickens?

We got a little rain here last few days. Dams are a little fatter. 🌧🌧🌧

ive been stressing for 2 months now on what to do. The green wattle creek fire came about 6km from my place. We’ve had our stuff packed since early December. We got crates ready and would just grab whatever chooks ducks we could manage and the rest would have to stay behind. If a fire gives us enough warning we will knock down some of the back fence so the animals will hopefully head to the creek down the back.
in the mean time I’ve been filling the ponds repeatedly, putting buckets and tubs of water everywhere and leaving feed out for all the critters, even some poor wild ones who are displaced.

i really dislike summer. I think I need to move to Norway or something.

Sounds like you are as ready as you can be Zen.
Our photo albums and paperwork has been in the car since before Xmas too. (Don't forget to pack your birth certs and home insurance too!)
Where are you evacuating to if you have to go? Some places now set up knowing people will have pets with them.
Do you have a large dog crate you could transport & keep them in for a few days? The crate could be parked somewhere cool & shady at the evac centre. My other suggestion would be to contact your rural vet. They may be able to offer accommodation or know somewhere that could.
You can actually get a cage to house them while on transit .then you keep checking them after some hours when you notice it's hot.. don't forget to have some water with you to splash on them at regular interval. By so doing they will surely survive .
Sounds like you are as ready as you can be Zen.
Our photo albums and paperwork has been in the car since before Xmas too. (Don't forget to pack your birth certs and home insurance too!)
We had our stuff at my uncles place since that Saturday before Christmas that the wether was really dangerous
I was absolutely gobsmacked earlier to see on Facebook the local rfs at my mates place. The roof blew off and 2 brick chimneys collapsed, pulling down the front half of the house. Thankfully no one was hurt. Her son and hubby were inside when it happened, and her and their daughter had just ducked out to the fish and chip shop for lunch.
no insurance, and the landlord is an absolute butthole, so the house has been falling down for years. It’s insane.
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