In the Middle of the Night...


8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
I slept like a baby last night but when I woke up this morning I found something that ruined my day completely.
I live in the country and have 2 acres of land. I just got done building a coop for my chickens. When I woke up this morning and went out to the coop to let my boys and girls out to range in their run I noticed one was missing...
I freaked out
where is my girl ( she was the runt of the batch and my favorite becasue she was sassy!) I looked all around thinking she some how got out ( but there is no way she could of) There were no feathers on the ground anywhere. I think someone took her
that is the only thing I can think of. Has anyone had any problems with people taking your chickens?
My friend is going thru this right now.Somehow she has a hen the can walk thru "walls". She finds very small holes in her chicken wire fixed them and yup the next day hen was gone again.The upside to her story is so far her hen has come home from wherever?? So look close you may have a houdini chicken!
You are not considering all possibilities. Should could be on a nest. She could also have starting roosting somehwere else. If lost to predation, fox or coyote most likely to remove without leaving signs of struggle.
yes that has happened to us. well sort of. i thought for sure i had lost a chicken, in fact she was hiding in the run in the corner. shes one of my most special docile chickens, she must have been frightened all night. poor girl.
i have seen threads here about people stealing chickens. the human people. however it doesnt happened as often as you think. hopefully your chicken will turn up somewhere.
Thanks! I checked the run and coop this morning and there is no hole big enough for her to get out. But just in case I went around my yard looking in the trees to see if she some how did get out and was roosting. But I saw nothing
Another thought I had one of my favorite banty hens go MIA and totally gave up on her. Then one day around the corner of the barn here she came with 8 little tiny chicks. She had been out there somewhere and hatched them out all alone ,then brought them home! I like to think positive until forced to do otherwise! My friends chicken was getting out thru a tiny hole a mouse would have trouble with ....

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