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I'm Just Gonna Keep Doing This Until They Get Back...

I'm Just Gonna Keep Doing This Until They Get Back...

My old guy used to do that, and bark at the same time. Every single time I left him in the car. Probably not the most recommended training method, but I flipped out and had a tantrum when I caught him doing it, and he was cured. Only took twice. Never have cured the barking when I leave, but I'll take that over horn blowing.
I knew several anorexics - one young woman used to do exercises in triple time. She was so frail, I don't know where that energy came from. She had a beautiful face but the rest of her was entirely flat. She didn't even have a behind.

She was put in a psych ward where they tried to get her to drink 3 cans of Equal a day. That was horrifying to her. I think she drank just part of 1 serving.

When the body is starved so badly it attacks organs as food. The doctor said she had badly damaged her heart. She was crying the last time I saw her and they moved her to a special treatment center. I hope she made it. She was a beautiful, sweet person, I don't know why she only saw "fat." There was none.
I knew several anorexics - one young woman used to do exercises in triple time. She was so frail, I don't know where that energy came from. She had a beautiful face but the rest of her was entirely flat. She didn't even have a behind.

She was put in a psych ward where they tried to get her to drink 3 cans of Equal a day. That was horrifying to her. I think she drank just part of 1 serving.

When the body is starved so badly it attacks organs as food. The doctor said she had badly damaged her heart. She was crying the last time I saw her and they moved her to a special treatment center. I hope she made it. She was a beautiful, sweet person, I don't know why she only saw "fat." There was none.
My daughter-in-law and I lived in Aurora, Colorado at the Ronald McDonald house for 4 weeks prior to the birth of my granddaughter and then 2 more weeks afterwards because my son's employer wouldn't let him have time off to be with her. You get really close to the people who are there - they become like second family - and you share celebrations over a gram of weight gained in a preemie, or hug and help each other when a little one has a set back.

I remember one special day when, after dinner, a proud mom stood up and called her daughter to the front. They were celebrating by giving her a brand new iPad because she had reached her weight goal. She was being treated for anorexia. She was 11 years old. Can anyone doubt the pressure that unrealistic images of the "ideal woman" puts on our kids?

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