in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

How sweet is that! Lol!
Gee, Rebel please take care of yourself. My computer has been out since Sunday, and the guy was here 3 hours working inside and outside(on lines). Bingo, I'm back on BYC - home again
Missed a lot of news tho. .

I was hospitalized once because I got some bug and kept vomiting - so they tried giving me stuff to stop it through a feeding tube - put down the nose. The feeling was so horrible,I took down two nurses fighting them. Finally someone had the brains to give me med through an i.v. stopped the vomiting just like that.
Cynthia - thank you - it's always time for ice cream. I remember brain freezes as a child but, didn't knoe COLD ice cream punished me. Must have been something else. So I just kept on eating and suffering. Nobody touches MY ice cream.

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