in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Are those your sister's dogs? They are beautiful... and obviously obedient. Mine would be running off with the pumpkins.

There are 5 in this photo ~ 3 are my sister's Gordon Setters and the other 2 belong to a friend and are sisters to my sisters dogs. My sister is the breeder of all of these dogs.

All of these girls are trained in agility, field and have been in the show ring. 4 out of 5 of these girls have their show Championship.

Mazie (laying in the center) is the oldest at 12 years old. The 2 on the left are Celtie and Kellee who are 2 years old and daughters of Shiloh (3rd from the left) Shiloh and Brodie are sisters.

Shiloh is one of very few Gordon Setters ever to get their MACH ~ which is Master Agility Champion. She will be competing in the National Agility Championship for the second time next month at the age of 7.

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