In Your Opinion, What Makes A Chicken Person?


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Southern Maine
So we all know that there are dog people, and there are cat people. I'm pretty sure that there can also be chicken people. My question is what makes a chicken person. Include things like how your personality traits jive with chickens, other hobbies that work well with chicken keeping, and anything else that you think makes you a chicken person.

I'll Start:
I work well in a group dynamic, like school or work, but I don't "fit in" well for social activities
I like nature and spent all of my childhood in the woods
I f I could have any super power it would be the power to fly
I am a deeply compassionate person. Once you get to know me I'll go above and beyond for you
I love all animals and particularly like animals that bond strongly with humans.
In the world of Harry Potter I am a Ravenclaw and our mascot is a bird.

Who's Next?
I don't really know what makes a chicken person a chicken person. It might have to do with a few things.

You see them in a picture, tv or in real life and become interested in them. Then you become fascinated with them. Then you want to see more of them and next thing you know you have chickens and have become a chicken person.

I'm not sure about upbringing but it might have something to do with really liking or loving nature and all it's creatures. I've noticed city people have fallen in love with chickens just like people that grew up on a farm and everyone in between. I never thought I'd love chickens but I have a butt load including turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, horses, dogs...... I've always wanted them and now I finally have them. It was worth the wait... lol.

Every animal has something about them that people find endearing. I find chickens one of the most fascinating creatures. Why? Because they actually offer so much. Not just for food but for so much more. Look at all the phrases people have come up with like "You chicken" "Pecking order" and the list goes on. We have our pets, livestock, food, medicine, decorations and more all in one animal. Amazing isn't it?
Yes, chickens are the Omnianimal. I had a small flock once when I was a kid, but I didn't know about BYC and things didn't go so well on the predator front. I always wanted more and I got my wish this time with enough security procedures to keep my flock safe. They are just so interesting to watch. Up until this past week I've been out once a day to watch them this Winter, now that its 16 degrees out I'm a bit more hesitant.
Yeah, I can see why you've only been out once a week. 16 degrees is a bit chilly! Ok, I would freeze to my chair. I'm shocked that the birds can be ouside with no feathers on there feet to keep them warm. Like I said, they are amazing.... lol. I'm with mine all the time. The amusement I get is priceless.
Yeah, I can see why you've only been out once a week. 16 degrees is a bit chilly! Ok, I would freeze to my chair. I'm shocked that the birds can be ouside with no feathers on there feet to keep them warm. Like I said, they are amazing.... lol. I'm with mine all the time. The amusement I get is priceless.


I often worry about them in this weather but there is no question they can handle it better than I can! They do seem to hunker down more when it is in the teens. They will forage for awhile, then huddle together all puffed up under the patio table for 10 minutes or so, then back out to forage again. All the while I look on from my window with cup of coffee in hand.
I reckon it is just the joy of having and watching them or if your raise them the joy of the little peepers hatching from the shells and how small the are, I guess it is like giving birth in a way as you watch them coming into the world. I don't know if you free range or not but I would assume you would think of if anyone will be taking by a pretitor or if anything else could take their life. Don't know. When you have them you watch who is head boss and just watch them as they go through life. maybe they are like children to you, I don't call myself mommy to any of my animals I am a owner but I care for my animals just as I would kids although to put kids outside as you do animals can get you in trouble (just trying to be funny)

If the person is not a dog person would not have a dog a person who is not a cat person would not have a cat and a person who is not a chicken person would not have chikens so I reckon all that have whatever sort of animal, is that.


I reckon it is just the joy of having and watching them or if your raise them the joy of the little peepers hatching from the shells and how small the are, I guess it is like giving birth in a way as you watch them coming into the world. I don't know if you free range or not but I would assume you would think of if anyone will be taking by a pretitor or if anything else could take their life. Don't know. When you have them you watch who is head boss and just watch them as they go through life. maybe they are like children to you, I don't call myself mommy to any of my animals I am a owner but I care for my animals just as I would kids although to put kids outside as you do animals can get you in trouble (just trying to be funny)

If the person is not a dog person would not have a dog a person who is not a cat person would not have a cat and a person who is not a chicken person would not have chikens so I reckon all that have whatever sort of animal, is that.



Yep, sort of like that. With chickens I think you fall for them when you see them.It was that way for me. Pictures didn't trigger it for and neither did tv or movies. I was at a barn where I kept my horse and they got some young chickens. It was a mix and I didn't know anything about them at the time. I would feed the chickens in the morning and eventually they would all come running to me when they saw me. That's when I fell for them. Watching chickens run across the yard with there wings openned just cracked me up. That and when you sat down when the sun was setting the chicks would jump up and nestle in your hood and on your neck. Just loved it. I was sold from that point on. They were RIR's. I have all kinds of birds now and they all free range. Well, most of them do.
Count me in as a chicken person.I fell for chickens as a kid. My Grandmother took me outside, and showed me a hen with chicks. I followed that old hen around feeding the chicks corn bread, and was hooked.
Twenty years ago my best friend had chickens (she still does) and as our kids were growing up we would spend many days/hours at their house. I was never really interested in them beyond "hey cool, you have your own private egg producers". They all had names and her boys were very fond of them (my kids were a little freaked out by them lol).

Fast forward nine years to when I first got interested in egg decorating (specifically Pysanky). One of the keys to producing beautiful eggs is to have farm fresh ones not store bought, antibacterial cleansed, sad, sad facsimiles
. Anyhoo, I would get eggs from two friends and after a time I realized most chickens didn't lay during the winter. Well I had orders to do and no eggs in sight so I found that fact intriguing and the interest had begun! After two years of buying eggs from friends and listening to them telling me "it's not hard to have chickens, you should get some yourself" so I finally did it! May 2012 will be TEN years since I got my first batch of chickens. I still have one lone survivor from that original flock of six and her name is Serena. She's a light brown rosecomb leghorn who still on occasion will give me a beautiful white egg.

So to make a long story short, I don't know if there's any one thing that makes someone a chicken person. I never would have thought I would become a chicken person myself honestly, but that was before I realized what personalities they have, the different breeds, colors and egg colors they come in. They crack me up and the fact that I didn't have a rural upbringing I think helps me to see some of their antics in a more humorous light. My friends who have had chickens for years don't see the humor in the fact that the hens make such a racket when they lay an egg. I personally feel they are a little dumb to be announcing to every predator within earshot that there is a nice, tasty treat to be had if they're interested
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