New BYC addict, new chicken mom, and new to message boards so hope this question isn't too dumb.
I have 3 Black Stars and one of them actually went broody (nobody told her BS don't do that). I would like to get a roo to see if she'll hatch some babies next spring and increase the flock, but if I keep the hens and cull the roos, the flock sire will be breeding his own daughters as time goes on. In most critters that's asking for genetic disaster. What do people do when they have a flock with only one roo?
I have 3 Black Stars and one of them actually went broody (nobody told her BS don't do that). I would like to get a roo to see if she'll hatch some babies next spring and increase the flock, but if I keep the hens and cull the roos, the flock sire will be breeding his own daughters as time goes on. In most critters that's asking for genetic disaster. What do people do when they have a flock with only one roo?