Increasing Estrogen in Hen due to Gender Dysphoria Disorder?


Dec 12, 2017

I may have a hen that suffers from Gender Dysphoria Disorder. I want to try to increase her estrogen levels to see if that fixes her transgender desires. I recently rehomed a rooster and she may feel the need to fill his place.

Any natural remedies to this? i.e. a veggie? Any pre-fab supplements or food packs?

Thanks! All tips appreciated.

I may have a hen that suffers from Gender Dysphoria Disorder. I want to try to increase her estrogen levels to see if that fixes her transgender desires. I recently rehomed a rooster and she may feel the need to fill his place.

Any natural remedies to this? i.e. a veggie? Any pre-fab supplements or food packs?

Thanks! All tips appreciated.
You may want to feed soy, although it will not 'fix' the situation.

But as the others already stated, her changes in behaviour will be due to the circumstance of having to take on the top position as it was left vacated by rehoming the rooster.

Leave her alone, she will watch out and care for the flock, there is nothing to 'fix'.
I may have a hen that suffers from Gender Dysphoria Disorder. I want to try to increase her estrogen levels to see if that fixes her transgender desires.
These are human issues.
Chickens do sometimes have hormone imbalances,
but we need more information to know just what the problem is and maybe how to 'fix' it.

These are good questions:
How old is this bird? Picture?

Do you have video of these behaviors?
Asking if this was a joke was a genuine question, not meant to be rude. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought it. I did however answer the question. I have also asked some questions in the beginning that I now know better as we are all here to learn and pass on knowledge.
that makes sense, but next time, if you believe something someone posted was not serious, approach the OP in a kind way, rather than attacking what they’ve said because they lack knowledge in the subject :)
your hen is not ill and does not need 'fixing'. Her behaviour is natural.
I thought a hen being broody was also natural, and people often "fix" it by breaking her. I was wanting to check to see if I could feed her more of something to rebalance her hormones. I am not trying to subvert natural tendencies, just want my sweet hen back. :)
How old is this bird? Picture?
The bird is 8 & 1/2 months old.
You may want to feed soy, although it will not 'fix' the situation.

But as the others already stated, her changes in behaviour will be due to the circumstance of having to take on the top position as it was left vacated by rehoming the rooster.

Leave her alone, she will watch out and care for the flock, there is nothing to 'fix'.
Ok, thank you. I will look into soy. You are right, she is acting as a protector. I guess in the long run that may be nice... I have a "rooster" without the crowing.
Do you have video of these behaviors?
I will try to get a photo and video later this afternoon! :)
These are human issues.
Chickens do sometimes have hormone imbalances,
but we need more information to know just what the problem is and maybe how to 'fix' it.

These are good questions:
Thank you, @aart. I was not sure what to call them. My itial research saw this called 3 things (in order of "popularity"): 1) crowing hen 2) transgender 3) dysphoria. Is there a chicken-specific term for a sex change?
Asking if this was a joke was a genuine question, not meant to be rude. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought it. I did however answer the question. I have also asked some questions in the beginning that I now know better as we are all here to learn and pass on knowledge.
I think I missed this, as it is no longer here. But, no worries. This was certainly not a joke though.
that makes sense, but next time, if you believe something someone posted was not serious, approach the OP in a kind way, rather than attacking what they’ve said because they lack knowledge in the subject :)
Thank you. I promise I would not joke about this. :)[/QUOTE]

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