Incubate now or later?


5 Years
Jul 31, 2014
South West Victoria, Australia
Hi, I have a dozen fertile eggs I am wanting to put in my incubator, but I will be away for a full day and possibly not home until late on about day 7 and 8 if I start tomorrow. I have heard you should have the incubator going 24 hours before so would you wait unti you get back (Sunday) or just do it?

Thanks in advance
I always let my incubator run for at least 24hrs prior to make sure the temp is going to stay steady & not fluctuate. I would look at the manufacture directions on the incubator you are using or just wait a couple more days. Just make sure the eggs are stored at room temp with small side down.
And only for a few more days. How old are the eggs? I never let mine go over a week dormant.

The comment about not possibly being home on day 7 or 8...They should be incubating & fine by then.
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I always let my incubator run for at least 24hrs prior to make sure the temp is going to stay steady & not fluctuate. I would look at the manufacture directions on the incubator you are using or just wait a couple more days. Just make sure the eggs are stored at room temp with small side down.

Thanks, I will do that. What about going away? Is it safe to leave them all day and most of the night? I am assuming it is fine but I have never incubated eggs before.
It will be fine.

agreed. Just check water level and temp before you leave and when you return. I have hatched out a few batches, but I learn more every time. The 1st round I watched them all the time, except for when I went to work. But now I am much more laid back about the whole hatching process. There are a lot of members on here with much more knowledge than myself on the process, so if you have any further questions, let us know.

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