Incubating/brooding quail with other birds?


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Central Pennsyltucky
I have my buttons and coturnix who should soon start laying. I got a phone call from the bf's grandparents, they want me to hatch some guinea eggs and maybe some peafowl eggs if they lay anything. I'll have to get my hatcher rolling, but other than staggered hatching, is there a problem with hatching all four species together?
I have hatched...buttons, cotournix, bantams, LF, ducks, and pheasants...I wouldn't brood all those together but hatching wasn't an issue
I wouldn't brood witht he buttons! them dudes get stepped on! for such a short period I might go for it but I don't know nothing about peafowl...I wouldn't with ducks...them dudes are mean...
Right now I have keets with chicks. Last year I had coturnix quail, after they got bigger with bantams with no problems.
I also for a few days had chicks, ducklings and goslings together though one of the goslings was a bit mean.
And right, I wouldnt brood button quail chicks with anything else.
I have brooded buttons, coturnix and bantam chicks together before. I honestly didn't have an issue with the button quail. I just wasn't sure if I could do it with keets and peas, because of disease issues or something.
I've brooded buttons with coturnix, chickens with coturnix, and guineas with coturnix. The chicken/coturnix brooder lasted at least 2 months, until I finally got some birds reorganized to move the chickens.

As for hatching, I'm not sure about peafowl, but guineas, buttons, and coturnix all need higher humidity during incubation, so they shouldn't be a problem. You'd have to see what the norm is on the peafowl's humidity levels.
I have done this as well w/o issue...but the are all smaller

but just don't know about the keets and peafowl...I did have issues with ducks...they are mean...their feet were bigger than the buttons

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