Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

Reporting that my one survivor egg hasn't hatched and I am sure it won't. I think that the veins popped when my dog knock the incubator off the table. So it just slowly bled out making it ok when I candled once I got home but died shortly after. I'm giving it till the end of today but not any longer.

Bummer... I had to consecutive hatches of ZERO, before this hatch, so I feel for you!
Reporting that my one survivor egg hasn't hatched and I am sure it won't. I think that the veins popped when my dog knock the incubator off the table. So it just slowly bled out making it ok when I candled once I got home but died shortly after. I'm giving it till the end of today but not any longer.

I'm so sorry!!!

I, personally, candle at the end of day 21 (well, half way through, not actually the beginning of day 22, I don't like waiting that long b/c I don't like waiting at all). Anyway, I would at candle to at least check for a blood ring.
Again, I'm so sorry!!!!!
Bummer... I had to consecutive hatches of ZERO, before this hatch, so I feel for you!

My incubating history is long and has a few chicks sprinkled in there with all the eggs I've had to toss:
1. 12 cooked eggs (lesson: don't use a crock pot, it's for cooking, duh)
2. 1 lone survivor (lesson: check your thermometer against a thermometer you know is accurate at the temps you're using, not just accurate at room temp, duh again) (Ironically, I lost that chick to heat this summer, she hatched in April, she's the one on my wallpaper.)
3. 12 eggs, 0 chicks (lesson: separate the eggs from the heat source, duh some more)
4. 3 eggs, 3 chicks (lesson: hatch in small batches, forget hatching a dozen eggs at a time to get half a dozen chicks; somehow chickens and eggs just don't understand math, duh should go without saying by now, but I'm going to keep putting it b/c I feel like an idiot and I hope that others can learn from my mistakes/stupidity) (also, I subsequently lost these and I don't know why; this spring was a bad time to be a chick is the only explanation I can come up with.)
5. current hatch 5 eggs to start and 4 eggs left (lesson: don't turn/candle w/ a zillion children around; that's literally impossible at my house, but hopefully others can avoid this)
I think I probably missed one in there, but the results were the same: no chicks.
-Keep temp consistent (within 2 degrees or less of where you're aiming)
-Turn an odd number of times a day so the eggs aren't on the same side for two extended periods of time in a row.
-Rotate, every incubator (no matter how good) has cool spots and hot spots.
-Hands off during lockdown; there's a reason they call it "lock down"!!!
If I build an incubator, I'll install a thermostat and a fan. I like turning, so I won't put in a turner. I also want to put a plexiglass viewing window in the top; I like being able to watch them hatch and I want to be able to check the temp during lockdown w/o having to open the 'bator, but mostly b/c I like watching them hatch.

Sorry that's so long...

I'll copy and paste this on my own thread, then I won't forget where I have and haven't posted it.
My 4th baby finally hatched about an hour ago, so that makes 4 healthy chicks out of 6 eggs. Not too shabby. I can say I'm definitely hooked on hatching!!

I'm anxious to see what these chicks turn out to look like. Right now, they're all black with varying spots of yellow or white. I know for at least two of them that the mother was an EE. Not sure of the father. I had two blue eggs, one cream egg, and one light brown egg that hatched. Maybe dad was a barred rock? None of them have EE characteristics, so it's kind of odd!
My 4th baby finally hatched about an hour ago, so that makes 4 healthy chicks out of 6 eggs. Not too shabby. I can say I'm definitely hooked on hatching!! 

I'm anxious to see what these chicks turn out to look like. Right now, they're all black with varying spots of yellow or white. I know for at least two of them that the mother was an EE. Not sure of the father. I had two blue eggs, one cream egg, and one light brown egg that hatched. Maybe dad was a barred rock? None of them have EE characteristics, so it's kind of odd!

It is so much fun to see them grow! (Except for the having to be patient part :p )
Ok, I started with 18 guinea eggs, and 8 EE. I had two guinea hatch out and two EE hatch so far, starting on the 8th...then after I placed them into my brooder within the hour one guinea drowned in the water. Bummer. But I've got 6 more pipping, guinea that is...crossing fingers for the rest to hatch out safely. I did put the guinea eggs in the incubated a few days before the EE.

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