Incubating in my bra

I guess there isnt anything in the rules that says to avoid words or terms that others might find offensive; just no foul language. :old just dont verbally attack yourself :lau
People get offended too easily... That is not my problem.
Things got complicated this morning. I opened the air cell because I though he had quit, but he’s still alive!
Then I thought he was in the wrong position, but I don’t think so finally. Still no internal pip, I know he’s still absorbing the yolk.
I guess he’s just a late one!
He’s still in my bra, air cell opened, I am watching him closely, he’s yellow and black and I am so looking forward to kiss him!
We even made an eye contact <3 (He opened his eye under the membrane)
Let’s hope he’ll be there tomorrow!
OH NO!!!!
Never never open an egg.

People get offended too easily... That is not my problem.
Aint dat da truth
I candled again, and I'm still not sure I see anything...I've barely even candled chicken eggs and I'm only really sure of myself towards the end of incubation. Here are pictures either way:
IMG_20210203_194625.jpg IMG_20210203_194737.jpg

I'm going to keep on keeping on since I'm not sure nothing's happening and if the temp is lower than ideal, it definitely slows development. Again, on the plus side, no stank or other weirdness going on.

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