Incubating!! Listen up people


9 Years
Sep 13, 2013
washington state
Sometimes hatching coturnix quail they hatch over a 2 day period!! Right?? Ok so everyone says dont open the bator if there is pipped eggs because of moisture loss. Well listen to me. I only started hatching 2 years ago. But i must be an expert now:D. By listening to some of your comments! I pull babies out every few hours and no shrink wrap. But what alot of you say that is a tragic mistake:(. And i use a mini fridge homemade bator. So i am opening the whole side for up to a couple minutes!!!!!! The trick is!!! With my mighty skills, i ad hot tap water to the water bowl. Not alot just a few ounces. In a small bowl. And guess what??? My majic powers make the humidity jump right back up in minutes!!! They wont dry out in 5 minutes!!! Wow i must have discovered a super power. Because i started this from the first time i incubated with my HOMEMADE $50 incubator. And i always get great hatches. Got one going on now. 100 EGGS IN THERE. And i pull out the babies every few hours. Now im down to 10 eggs. On second day and most are pipping. Not a super power you say??? Well i dont see anyone else making this suggestion!!! And it works great!!:p
Sometimes hatching coturnix quail they hatch over a 2 day period!! Right?? Ok so everyone says dont open the bator if there is pipped eggs because of moisture loss. Well listen to me. I only started hatching 2 years ago. But i must be an expert now:D. By listening to some of your comments! I pull babies out every few hours and no shrink wrap. But what alot of you say that is a tragic mistake:(. And i use a mini fridge homemade bator. So i am opening the whole side for up to a couple minutes!!!!!! The trick is!!! With my mighty skills, i ad hot tap water to the water bowl. Not alot just a few ounces. In a small bowl. And guess what??? My majic powers make the humidity jump right back up in minutes!!! They wont dry out in 5 minutes!!! Wow i must have discovered a super power. Because i started this from the first time i incubated with my HOMEMADE $50 incubator. And i always get great hatches. Got one going on now. 100 EGGS IN THERE. And i pull out the babies every few hours. Now im down to 10 eggs. On second day and most are pipping. Not a super power you say??? Well i dont see anyone else making this suggestion!!! And it works great!!

Maybe you need to get out in BYC more - there are whole threads dedicated to "hands on hatching" and people who go in and out of their incubators all the time.

Glad you are getting great hatches.
Yep, there are a bunch of threads on BYC about assisted hatching and a bunch of us (myself included) open the incubator all the time during hatch. We know it doesn't kill the chicks/cause shrink wrapping/etc. In fact I just finished such a hatch yesterday.
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I left my bator open this last hatch... it actually increased the humidity and helped the temp, lol... no shrinkwraps here... :gig
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Where are you located that it was 4%, one one of the poles?

The average humidity in the Sahara Desert is 25%, most 'populated' low humidity regions of the world are still in the 30% range or more...

LOL, I'm outside Albuquerque, NM.

I was talking about the late afternoon humidity yesterday, 4-7 PM. It goes up at night and down in the afternoons. Our average humidity is definitely higher than that, and it will go up a bunch (for here) when the summer monsoons start.
When it gets that low my hair gets full of static and my skin gets so dry it itches if I don't put on enough lotion. Your eyeballs even get sticky.

Today wasn't nearly as bad, only dipped to 8% for a little while.

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