Incubating pullet eggs


12 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Sunny side up :)
My blue copper girl just started laying. There is a good chance that the eggs are fertile because the roos I had her with have been mating all the hens for the last 3 weeks or so. Pullet eggs are usually smaller than the eggs of a mature laying hen, at least at first. Hers are a little smaller than a normal blue copper's would be that had been laying awhile but they are not tiny or anything. My question is: Is it okay to still hatch these eggs? Will the babies be small, deformed or too premature from a newly laying pullet egg?
I have hatched pullet eggs before from my Serama hen and the chicks were fine, and from some shipped black australop eggs and they were fine again. Give it a shot. What do you have to lose?
Heck yeah! Hatch them! You may not get them all to hatch, but you will be pleasantly surprised how many new babies you get from them most likely. They will look a little bit smaller when they hatch, but they will catch up and you won't be able to tell the difference after they are grown.
Okay you twisted my arm HaHa!! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't gonna make any premature or malformed babies. I will put them in with some solid blue maran eggs I will probably be setting tomorrow (if they arrrive today) and see what happens. I am soo excited to be hatching out some of my own chickens egg for the first time

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