Incubating quail eggs

Do they ever cross?? They’re super cute but confusing haha
Bob's can cross/hybridize with Blue scale, Valley, Gambel's and Mountain quail, in captivity, although rare, the offspring usually don't live long. Most may pip but go no further or actually hatch but die soon after or days later. Very few make it to maturity.
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Could they be scale quail? Their eggs are white and brown?
Their eggs are off-white, cream color with light roan colored tiny 'freckles' over the entire egg.
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I have that baby in with a pheasant chick and the pheasant protects it at all costs I try to touch the quail and the pheasant attacks me it is funny they are like 3 days apart and the quail is older than the pheasant
It's not defending the quail's attacking you....and it's most likely a male pheasant chick.

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