Incubating quail eggs

So i am playing music in my room where I have the incubator and one of the eggs are moving to the music. It is so funny watching it move. I think it is going to hatch soon
So my quail eggs were supposed to hatch today and none have I am getting worried because one baby’s head is in like the air sack area and moving like crazy but all the other ones are not doing anything they all have heart beats. Any suggestions?
It sounds like your temperature may have been a bit low during incubation. If they're moving, don't worry yet. The one with its head in the air cell has internally pipped and should be hatching soon.
I put a thermometer that usually goes outside in there it is a small one because I don’t trust the incubator one and it was reading 100.5 degrees with a 56% humidity now the humidity is up to 65%
How long should it take for the baby to hatch after it internally pips. Sorry for all the questions this is the first time doing it with an incubator
No worries. Did you calibrate the thermometer that you used inside the incubator? Your humidity was a bit high for coturnix quail, but about right for buttons.

I'm not sure how long between internal pip and hatch, but it can be up to 24 hours from external pip to hatch. It can be quicker, but I wouldn't worry yet. Give them another couple of days.

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