incubating question


5 Years
Apr 27, 2014
I need an opinion on question that i have about incubating. I have my incubator in a classroom and the eggs are supposed to hatch on Wednesday, but I believe that many will begin hatching on Tuesday. I have the eggs on an egg turner and the ideal time to take the eggs off would be Saturday or Sunday. My question is should I take them off on Friday or Monday. I cannot be at the school on Saturday or Sunday. Friday or Monday are my only options. thanks.
Either option will be fine, just make sure to remove the turner first thing Monday if you plan to wait until then. If you remove the turner early Monday than you will have a roughly 2 day lockdown, while if you remove the turner on Friday they will have a 5 day lockdown. I would probably wait and remove the turner Monday. Keep in mind that the incubator humidity should be increased to around 75% Monday (you should see light condensation on the windows) - no matter when you decide to remove the turner.
I agree I would take them out on Friday and raise the humidity Monday just in case you have some chickens who try to jump the gun.

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