Incubating Questions

At this point, with light colored eggs and you can see the yolk, those are not developing. Veining should be very clear.

Two things could cause them to not be developing. They may have never been fertile to start with. Or the embryo may have died. Different things could kill the embryo. A couple of common ones are being too cold for too long or too hot for too long. Being too old can be a problem, but that usually means not starting incubation for a couple of weeks after they were laid. Shaking them up pretty vigorously, often during shipping, can cause problems. That would have to be pretty vigorously for none to even start to develop.

Have you checked the temperature of your incubator with a calibrated thermometer? It is not that unusual for incubator presets or non-calibrated thermometers to be off, sometimes enough to cause this type of problems.

Time to talk to the breeder. I don't know how these eggs ere shipped but shipping would be at the top of my list.

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