INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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The dog keeps puking.
Good morning everyone!!!


It's a "training" egg I throw in the nestbox

Let's them know it's safe to lay thier eggs there

Got it at cracker barrel, they usually have them behind the counter. It was $1.80
i know it's a training egg but I just thought it was funny

ME. TOO. :barnie Milkbag is the same size but belly is BIG. My farm friend confirmed that the pencil ligaments were soft. I could get her tail to move a bit the last time I checked. I'm thinking if not this week, then early next. :fl Or probably tomorrow when I'm out of town. :rant

Xxfingers crossedxx

I hope that I am not offending anyone, and I apologize if I do! but when
I read all the response of the woman forum members, to goats I know from what psychological
Point the come from. I won't explain it. Not in English, but the bottom line of it

Ah! But women can't control their bodies and pregnancies.
I can control mating of animals... And they can be left outside!



First ponytail, and fifteen minutes later...

And the scond.



Good morning everyone. I am having a nice leisurely breakfast for once (exclude Benny ;) ). Fresh raspberries I picked while I was doing chores, and oatmeal made with fresh goats milk. I am so glad I planted raspberries on the south side of the house instead of boring shrubs :)

Sounds delicious

:gig Duckling has a chatter phone that really chatters. And rings. And demands!!! It is not for kids under three, and even a 4-year-old would need to be told what the toy is demanding.
Since it would not stop making noise, and Duckling didn't want me to turn it off (she wasn't playing with it. She doesn't like it either!) I had to hide it when she left the room yesterday. So, I hid it in the oven It was such a hot, humid day. I didn't plan on baking anything!
Wanna guess what I remembered after about five minutes of preheating the oven to 400*?!?! :th

Lol been there

Lol- love the picture! We had a graduation party to get to last night otberwise he would've been gone then, yes. I kicked him to the wall so he could think about things for a bit (did mention I played soccer at U.S.C.?
)... My resident lynchman, our neighbor, is on his way over now. Big Handsome also sealed his fate with his 4:15am wake up call this morning... Not cool. It's my birthday.

Happy birthday, sorry I'm late and sorry about your roo

Thank you! Thank you, too, @MotorcycleChick @BantyChooks for the birthday love. I can honestly say I've never started any birthday with a rooster execution... The deed is done. **** he was still beautiful even lifeless... I might go vomit now.

:hugs :hugs

Thanks to the most awesome guy in the world, I was able to till my garden. Not only did he get the tiller working, but he made sure I knew how to use it, and that I could get it between the rows in the garden!
Unfortunately... I put up a wall of deer netting to keep the birds out. The tiller caught once, and I only had to cut a little. The second time, I didn't even know that the netting had blown that far into the garden, and gotten covered with dirt. So, that was a huge mess. I cut my hand that time, and lost a lot of netting. It took about fifteen (felt much longer!) minutes to cut the tiller out. I still have not gotten the netting out of the tiller. I will work on it soon. I needed to take a break from the voices screaming in my head.

Yay u got the tiller going that's great!!

Amen! Guns don't kill people; people kill people. Gun are tools, just like a shovel is a tool. Used correctly, both are valuable. In the wrong hands, both can & have taken lives. I guess shovels should be confiscated, destroyed, and possession / ownership of them made illegal
I like this post, just sayin

This SOB shooter declared allegiance the DAESH (isis )

The shooter in tel aviv?

Oh. Uh, we have really, REALLY alkaline soil here. Solid limestone as shallow as 2 inches deep on some areas of my property. Maybe my dirt comes pre-limed... :lol:

(I know I said I was going outside to do chores. I lied. I'm eating a hot dog and pitching old photos. Why on earth I kept horrible photos of me with a really bad perm at 16, I will never, ever know. Gone now. :clap )

- Ant Farm 

I wish my soul was pre limed, and u keep the photos to remind yourself not to do it again lol

You're very much welcome, Abi; happy to help, any time.  Not sure what else you could use it for, except maybe in the garden if you fertilize with chicken manure. The reason you can't use fresh chicken manure for fertilizing, as I understand it, is the high acidity of "green" (fresh) chicken manure will burn the crop. I don't know whether mixing lime into green manure prior to spreading would eliminate the need to age the manure or not; never tried it. Interestingly, you can use rabbit manure fresh out of the rabbit to fertilize...low acidity. I've even heard of rabbit growers placing wire-bottomed hutches directly over their gardens.

What he said, lime neutralizes the acidity like woodash only not caustic

We left for the weekend and we moved our chicken back with her original chicken friend. Apparently it didn't go well I'm so sad it looks like she's dying I sprayed blue coat on it is there anything else I can do? It looks like the hen ripped her entire scalp off.

I don't know who to tag or who to ask I'm devastated. My son was supposed to show her at the poultry show on Saturday. I didn't know that chickens would forget each other that quickly. So sad.
I'm sorry!! This happened to one of my poor little spitz once :*(

Rattle. One year old. He's been relocated.

Ugh the only poisonous kind we have here luckily they're rare

I got an Angry Orchard out of the crisper drawer! :lol: Get it? Crisp. Apple.

just now I was cleaning the turtles enclosure and mixing the soil I found two eggs so I left them and covered them back hope they hatch

Good thing you didn't squish them

Good morning everyone!

@Sally Sunshine here is my only keeper this year. I have a friend who owed me hay money so I traded for one of her does triplets. 3/4 Nubian and 1/4 Boer. The dam is half and half raised triplets, and still gave milk.

shes so pretty!!

yer just mr forethought aintcha?  I try not to think about getting up until I have to lol

mornin sweets! whatcha got planned today? 
do you take ice with you to milk and put it on right away? I was reading how much of a difference to taste doing that creates, some just keep a water bottle frozen in the milk pail.  If someone can organize it, sure.  I am swamped right now with kids, and we lost our nephew last week and I have another procedure coming up friday.  But as long as windy and rain let me online count me in,  @daxiidait  ugh speaking of windy she is not making this morning online easy
:hugs sorry to hear about your nephew, good luck with your procedure
I have two fluffy chicks from my hatch (one lavender Orpington and one olive egger).

The one that pipped and then didn't progress drowned. I tried to help it after about 15 hours, and it was already dead. When I chipped open the area from the pip there was a yellow tinged liquid like glue that had sealed up the pip hole. The chicks beak seemed malformed also. Sad. It's my first ever fully formed loss in a hatch.

I have three eggs still in lockdown, today at noon will be day 23. When should I test them to see if they are alive? @Sally Sunshine
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