INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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But I been giving it to them
just stop once you begin the corrid

This sounds like fun to me! Not the dying part, but the drop sounds fun! I have a season pass to Six Flags....there are some GREAT roller coasters there. I usually only take my daughter, and she rides the merry go round for 3 to 4 straight hours. No roller coasters for me... That stinks!!

I had 3 buckets of babies in my bathroom. All different ages. The biggest ones would bucket hop. A few times every day we'd go in and put the bigger babies back in their brooder. They are now in an outside coop and it's much easier to keep track of the babies.

That is so funny! You have a beautiful yard!! thanks, thats just a driveway to my barn though lol

It's been as high as 110 this past week and I have 3 broodys sitting on eggs. The 4th, her babies hatched 2 weeks ago. So, I have 1 silkie, 1 EE and 1 black sex link all sitting on eggs. I'm not sure any of the EE or Sex Link eggs are fertile. After 21 days, if no chicks, will the hens stop brooding? Or, do I pull some of the about to hatch eggs out of the incubator and give them to the hens?

I'm sorry Seth!!

What is this????? I want one!!! me too!

Hello all! Wow, this thread moves fast. I was 500 posts behind just since last night. I moved the 3 week old babies outside 2 nights ago. They are doing fine!!! So this morning, I moved out the biggest of the 2 week olds. I took the ones that appears to have the most feathers. They do have a heat plate at night. It's a MUCH bigger pen, so they should be happy!! I put the newly hatched chicks in the cleaned out brooder that the 3 week olds had. Since I only had 11 chicks hatch in the last batch, I took some of the tiniest bantam chicks from last week's hatch and put them with the new babies. A couple of the new babies are already bigger than the bantam week old chicks.

I am sorry about runts dead chick. NONE of the feed stores around me carry corrid, so I"m ordering some, just in case. When I ordered day old chicks in the past, or picked them up at the feed store. I'd have at most 10 chicks. Only had 1 death of a clearly disabled chick. Now, I struggling to limit the brooders to 20 chicks each. With these numbers, I have chick deaths....and it appears simply to be that they were suffocated. I've lost 4 out of 60 chicks, over the past month. From 3 different brooders. Never saw any signs of distress. Just over crowding.

I hope everyone is enjoying any cooler weather they have, staying cool in their hotter weather and staying dry in their rainy weather. We're supposed to have a high of 86 today. It is warm, but not totally uncomfortable. It is nice in the shade. We are at about 30% humidity.
sorry no idea on your broodies but if it is going to stay hot, maybe giving them ready to hatch eggs would be good to get them off the nests
then you could incubate their eggs lol

good luck with all the babies!!

Trolling or something else?
something else i think but who know
Amprolium controls coccidia by vitamin deprivation. Don't give vitamins during treatment. After treatment, you'll want to give a vitamin supplement - particularly thiamine.

All chickens with ground contact will be exposed to infectious oocysts their entire lives. A well managed flock quickly develops resistance. The sooner that happens the better.

As I mentioned before, good management will make amprolium unnecessary. That means adequate space, dry litter, clean water and proper nutrition.

Good post!
All this talk of deer reminded me that were going to see a ton of deer when we get back to the Texas Hill Country in a month.
So that's where you're from. I thought your English was pretty good.
I bet the weather is better where you are now.

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Some people shouldn't own chickens. Or any other living thing for that matter.
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