INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Quote: So be proud of being the top blabbering champion of the day!

oh me We all are blabbers here! Some more professional than other!

You bragging, or complaining?
Good morning. I have not watched anything but a baby show and "Reba" lately. The dreams ... Gosh, I have no idea where they came from.

I understand. You know that though.

:hugs   Banti is back to being a boy. I caught him in the run, and when I went to put him in a smaller pen (he is supposed to be leaving today) he ran out the door. :th All that time catching him to begin with, and he escaped. I sure hope he can be caught later!

Run Banti run!!! :weee

:lol: kidding. Good luck catching him!

I was cursing the fact that I have not gotten a new one the whole time. The Muscovies will require a sweatshirt to protect my arms, but they can be caught. Those Pekin... Well, the little ones anyway. I think it is more because they are protecting the babies.
Wanna have a good laugh? "All around the lilac bush, Abi chased the duckling. The duckling thought it was all in fun. Pop! Goes another duckling!"
I was chasing a whole line of waddling ducks around that bush! Jojo was chasing me though. He is a nut! :lau I have no idea why the Muscovies joined the parade.


I know I'm new to the group and has nothin to do with chickens/ any type of animal but the kids and I and my dad are driving to Florida today and would reallllly appreciate prayers if your a praying person. Going down for vacation at his place but with lil ones can be nerve racking even on my meds... Thanks in advance

:hugs :fl

Chicken ALWAYS have worms and Coccidia, and candida and.... it is almost always the quastion of LOAD and that is the question of immunological efficiency and that is a quastion of stress and is a quastion of wellfer, good food, good water, low numbers, not extrim conditions ect ect....

:lol: Yes Benny, I know that. What I meant is their load is too high. They are not stressed, and they have good food & water, and are not overcrowded. BUT, their immune systems are compromised (I think) due to M. Gallisepticum, lice (being treated now) and the fact that the only way to clean my coop well is with a flamethrower....... :/

It is official - this thread is all time #1


Bubbles this pic is from another thred I post in, just for you!


Hi, just a quick question...
With duck eggs would you increase the humidity to 65% at lock down or on the due to hatch day? I know you have to stop turning at day 25 but I'm just a bit confused in regards to increasing the humidity.


We all are blabbers here! Some more professional than other! :lau

Yep.... Chaos is professional. I'm just a part-timer :gig
@chickchick56 Re: ovation

You use what is basically a high-lumen modified flashlight to candle, not an actual candle.
Run Banti run!!! :weee

:lol: kidding. Good luck catching him!
:hugs :fl
:lol: Yes Benny, I know that. What I meant is their load is too high. They are not stressed, and they have good food & water, and are not overcrowded. BUT, their immune systems are compromised (I think) due to M. Gallisepticum, lice (being treated now) and the fact that the only way to clean my coop well is with a flamethrower....... :/
Yep.... Chaos is professional. I'm just a part-timer :gig
And Don't you forget it.
@mlm Mike Are my eyes finally failing, or are you a moderator now???? CONGRATS!!! :clap

You are still gonna interact with us commoners, right? :oops:
This baby came from a green egg. Looks like my hona roo is breeding the EEs. Anyone want to mentor me in the genetics of getting a fibro bird that lays a green eggs?

@campingshaws you have babe goatiesss
And congrats on the hatch!

The chickens have worms again...... I can't win.

I'm going back to bed.
oh sweets!!! no big deal treat them do you use ivermectin?

I know I'm new to the group and has nothin to do with chickens/ any type of animal but the kids and I and my dad are driving to Florida today and would reallllly appreciate prayers if your a praying person. Going down for vacation at his place but with lil ones can be nerve racking even on my meds... Thanks in advance
oh I pray things go well for you!!! Hope you packed plenty of stuff to do!!!

@campingshaws at what age did you band your goat boys? How did you know what size bands to get?

Our boys ummm green band and dried stuff fell off last week

Quote: lol

Quote: they use little ones for tail docking too

Quote: AGREE!!!!!!

I think most of my chicks are progressing at a decent rate, though I can't help but wonder if the two little ones will ever catch up. Not that it matters, since they're two of five cockerels. I have 3 pullets from each of the two families, so I should be able to come up with a minimum of a breeding pair (per family) in the spring. I'd love to get two sets of trios, or even quads for breeding, but only time will tell how many will be selected for breeding. I have a good bit of time to see how they turn out, and they'll only be 11 weeks old in 3 days, but I'm bored so I'm going to post pics anyway...


Runt's cockerel cousins tower over him. It doesn't bother him, though. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in spunk. He'll take on both of them at once...
He's not likely to ever catch up, and I have someone asking for a "rooster" to throw in with their barnyard birds.

Of course, no photo session would ever be complete without C.J. (Champ, Jr.) taking a siesta on my knee...

Any and all comments are welcome. I know they're young, but feel free to critique my birds... just to make sure I'm not wearing blinders and missing something.
Nice Joey!!! bored!!! ha ha ha
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