INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Morning Everyone. I am at work so just popping in. Strange happenings with the quail. The ones hatching that are not in the turner are splayed leg or worse. The ones from the turner are active and healthy.

Hello. Strange about the legs.

Good morning all.

Late getting on the am so I'll also have to run off

Thanks Chicken Canoe for the links. The only one I hadn't seen is the one from nmcpoultry and interestingly enough the one hen upper left is like the one I was told wasn't good due to the comb being floppy. Really wish there was a standard for these guys in English. I've a neighbor visiting Sweeden maybe I can get her to find someone there to translate. I know Sweeden isn't the country of origin but maybe someone has something on it.

Good morning Pensmaster!
If the feathers have been hiding the loss of weight, and the pain of being egg bound kept her from eating much, it could fit. As for age, 16 is the early scale, and 24 is late. 20 being average IMO. 4 months could be close to 20 weeks depending on the actual DOB.
Just a thought. You cover most other things. All I had was egg bound and worms.
I've never had an egg bound bird live more than 3 days. That's not enough time to get skinny.

Thanks. For the ones that you did set were the hens up to par on other things, just not up to snuff on egg size?
They were a little small but that and egg size are the only things I'd suspect to be a problem. After all, albumen quality is higher in pullet eggs, there is just limited space and less finite nutrition in general.

Good morning all.

Late getting on the am so I'll also have to run off

Thanks Chicken Canoe for the links. The only one I hadn't seen is the one from nmcpoultry and interestingly enough the one hen upper left is like the one I was told wasn't good due to the comb being floppy. Really wish there was a standard for these guys in English. I've a neighbor visiting Sweeden maybe I can get her to find someone there to translate. I know Sweeden isn't the country of origin but maybe someone has something on it.
Are you sure the hen's combs aren't supposed to flop over?
I've had people argue with me about that saying my birds weren't up to par. Almost every Mediterranean breed hen is supposed to flop over. This moron that argued with me had never had Meds.
Personally, given the small gene pool, I would use her. Even if the comb is a problem, that is something that can be corrected down the road. I would hatch as many as you can, select for shape and go from there.
Aren't they Austrian? I'll see if I can find one in German. I used to be able to speak it pretty well.
Good, how are you?
Not to shabby. How's the cat?

They were a little small but that and egg size are the only things I'd suspect to be a problem. After all, albumen quality is higher in pullet eggs, there is just limited space and less finite nutrition in general.
I would expect the offspring to have caught up in body size after a while. Like you said though if everything else is up to par egg size is easy to select for.
Quote: Thanks - I really like him a lot!


Cool! I also have the White Faced Black Spanish on my wish list as well! And White Minorcas.
I had a visitor inside my run last night.
This morning, as soon as I went down to the coop, a mourning dove (the one that is the odd man out I presume) flew over to roost on the run. Last evening, all four of them were chowing down at the feeder while the flock was preparing for bed.

Found one of these in the NN paddock one morning, just as the automatic door was opening - a baby, pretty scared. Had to gently chase it out while keeping the chickens away (had to give them BOSS - they kept running toward me, little goofballs). Doves get into one of my coops constantly, despite a tiny opening 12x12" near the ground. Have to catch and remove them all the time (they can't manage to find their way back out).

Here's a chart you might find interesting.
It's a little hard to read at first but it gives the percentage of seeds that will germinate at a given temperature, the optimal daytime soil temperature for maximum production and the days to germination at optimal temp.

It rained most of the night last night, which is awesome! More rain today - forecast says it's only getting to 89F today.
(Of course, it'll be 100 again in a couple days, but I'll take it!!!!)

OK, gotta run. Have a great day, everyone!

- Ant Farm
Good morning all.

Late getting on the am so I'll also have to run off

Thanks Chicken Canoe for the links. The only one I hadn't seen is the one from nmcpoultry and interestingly enough the one hen upper left is like the one I was told wasn't good due to the comb being floppy. Really wish there was a standard for these guys in English. I've a neighbor visiting Sweeden maybe I can get her to find someone there to translate. I know Sweeden isn't the country of origin but maybe someone has something on it.

The best I've been able to determine, in Austria, they aren't that standardized, especially size. Given our small gene pool, I wouldn't refrain from using a hen with a floppy comb as long as she was a good bird overall.
They don't worry about that in Austria.
Check out all the hens in the following video with floppy combs. One at the 3:48 mark and again several at around 6 minutes.

I found a forum discussion where they described some hens as having a floppy comb. (Wickelkamm)
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