INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Quote: I'm sure things will look better soon, as soon as you can see clearly
So Whites what do you have going on in your part of the country?

It's been raining all night here in MD. I'm putting up a new building; might be a bit wet trying to make any progress on it today. We'll see.

Rain? What is that? My part of Ohio is drier than a popcorn fart in Death Valley. Fields are wilting even.

Building for you or more birds? What size? Yes I skipped a lot of posts and lack the info I am sure you have passed along already.

We've been hot & dry here, too; rain was needed badly & very much welcomed.
I'm putting up a 10'x16' pole building for my power equipment; mower, snow blower, ATV, etc. Already wishing I could have built it a bit longer, but it would have blocked access to another part of the property. Since it's right next to the coops & runs, I'm hoping to squeeze a brooder & incubation area in one end.

:frow Good morning, Bubbles. You're off to a fine start, I hope?

Mornin whites. Yep, as fine as you can be while 1/8 awake and undercaffinated!

Ah barn space, great thing to have. Brooder space a plus!

Morning Banty!

I too must go, Dad will be here before I know it.
Ugh, my day off and I wake up at 4:15 without the alarm going off.

Two more quail hatched yesterday, so I think that's 17 hatchEd but 2 passed.One is starting to call like an adult too! Not a week old and we have quail song! Amazing how fast the lil squirts grow!

Going to shuffle birds around this weekend . My 3.5month old mottled Cochins are going into Stumpys pen and then the Giants are going from the brooder to the grow out pen. (Dang are those guys big already!) But first I am going to go amok with Dad. AMOK AMOK AMOK! Hubby asked I not go to any machinists tooling supply stores, ummm ok I will try not to. Toolbox will be enough for today, hopefully! Sorry to ramble, I need more coffee. Hope ya'll have a great day!

Love the Duckies, goaties, horsies, and cowers! The one calf being held looked like a Scottish Highland, so fluffy!

That's awesome! Have fun with your dad, I love dad time!

I'm sure things will look better soon, as soon as you can see clearly :p

I can see clearly now the rain has gone

Same here

Lazy bones

Morning all
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