INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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My intact buck still has horns. Debating on whether or not I want to keep him intact. Thinking about getting a doe for milk so an intact buck would be useful.
I'd have him castrated, you can rent a buck later. Intact bucks are a pain in the neck to keep- My neighbor had one. Yuck doesn't even begin to cover it.
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Looks like solar panels on the roof are a no go. Solar City says the back side of the roof isn't stable enough to support them w/o spending $2k to beef it up. I figure it would take longer to recoup that expense than what we'd save in electricity bills before it became the next owner's problem.
that stinks

Lies. Girls are infected and are natural born carriers of the disease.

Thanks. This raises another question. Will this attract whitetail deer?
they are both ruminants so maybe

Oh, I knew before, it was the first time I found about it I had to close the page. I haven't wanted to do any more research on it since then....

I have no problems with the natural extention of the gait- That is a well trained, highly bred horse that is a beauty to watch. It is when the stacked shoeing -such as the horses can no longer normally walk- and caustic substances come in, that TWH showing becomes disgraceful.
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