INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I give mine lots of scraps, but they have commercial layer feed. I tried fermenting it to make it healthier, but it stunk up my entire basement. Chooks liked it, so i'll be resuming in the spring.
Think it sounds like a cool idea! :)
I give them all my scraps to and also getting bulk feed from the feed mill but my feed is mostly soy based I ferment in small batches in my kitchen it's not to bad I only do a day or two worth at a time leaving a little in to keep the cultures going and my chickens do very well on it but if my family and i are consuming the eggs and extra roos I want a healthier feed. It's a work in progress so I would love as much input as possible? I will be able to grow the majority of the feed here so the cost will be less than it is now just a bit more work but the more self sufficient I am the better I feel I'm also planning a coop slash/ shed that is solar powered to do a test run before I start converting my house. Yep I'm one of those kind of crazies lol

Yer not crazy :hugs
I'd love to do something like that, so keep us posted!
I'm,not what you want to know.

I don't think I can actually calibrate the hygrometer I bought, just test it.

I was flying by the seat of my pants with this go around. The plan had been to shove the eggs under a broody, didn't work out that way.

I was comparing the air cell size to pictures of candled eggs, for both the chickens and the ducks. The air cells were smaller on my eggs. I finally did try adding rice in small bowls, and that is when I was getting the 41% reading on the built in, before it had been staying at 48% or higher. However I think adding the rice only a week before hatch was the main cause for my hatch problems. The air cells did look to be the right size at the point that they were all deceased. Except on the damaged egg, that one was huge.

I learned the hard way this go around and have been kicking myself in the butt for it. Definitely will be testing gauges before the next go. Will be testing the heating element too, I think it might be on the fritz. Plan on getting fan kit for it (does anyone know if the kit for the 9300 is just a fan or is it a combo fan/heater that replaces the original heater?) Also will be weighing eggs before they go in.

Other question, is it ok to hatch eggs that are laid while you are deworming them?
your running your bator at the right temps? still air or fan model? Which breed of ducks? why cant you calibrate it?
what dewormer? I will have to find the notes in the diary thread about that when we had a discussion and pulled some info on there.

Guys my yellow chick died suddenly. Anyone know why this would happen?? It hatched normally....
Sorry BJ could have been anything, or something with the yolk.

Egg yolk chick is still alive but tiny and weAker, won't eat as far as I can tell
that is not a good sign. Sorry bj I will post something in a bit.... about bacteria and navels
And thanks yall. It happens I guess. I am setting another batch Saturday of blue eggs green eggs pink eggs and bcm. I did really love the yellow one came from a blue egg. Was super cute. Died ab 30 min ago :( I was out of town all took great care of them though. Bleh this sucks mainly because it's unexpected. Could it be due to the heat spike?
I used fermented feed for awhile and have debated about going back to it. Perhaps in the summer, but truthfully it SMELLS HORRIFIC and im not sure how id keep it from freezing in winter. I cant really tell you how to make chicken feed from scratch, but im really good with human food. Im 5 years cancer free this upcoming February, so ive completely changed how i eat. My birds eat a lot of my leftovers, so that intake is super healthy, and get my garden scraps. Right now they eat the mash from my local co-op. Lots of soy, and ive been wanting to change their diet like i said, but thinking come spring ill hunt for local, non gmo, soy free food stuff.
I think a good, quality feed is all our fowl need. Of course, supplementing with healthy human food is good too, in moderation. I feed Purina Layena, Purina Scratch Grains, and fresh greens on the side to my layers. They're very healthy and give me beautiful eggs in return. I'm also feeding Purina Chick Starter to my babies, and they're growing like weeds, and healthy as horses! In other words, I trust Purina products. It's what I've always fed my dogs, and my previous Dobbie lived to the ripe old age of 14... well beyond the average lifespan.

I want to congratulate your victory in your battle against cancer!
I hope there will be a cure for this monster disease in the near future..
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