INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I have a newborn chick walking question
the one I pulled form the cold today seems very wobbly and not really walking straight she was SUPER COLD I think almost dead and was the same last night still in the egg until I moved her to the other broodie. Is there a standard I have only ever dealt with youngest 1 - 2 day old chicks and they run and ram all over the place. She seems a little *bobbie* when she stands still. Should I check something?
Have you tried giving her some electrolytes?
I was just kidding bout the stalking. I wasn't drunk, it's seriously my personality. If it had been me in front of you, you woulda taken it as a joke.
Well I'm glad about that. Text is hard to get inflection and intention across in, but now we know that there are somethings better left unjoked about. ^_^
I am still trying to get her to drink I thought she just needed rest But Sally said out of the bator feed and waterh so I tried I gave her starter she seemed to pick at it but not eat I put some starter in scrambled eggs with water a bit of nutridernch and chick starter she took some of that

I guess I came on a bit too strong. Sorry to everyone. It's just my personality, and I am a joker. Sorry if I pushed it too far with you guys. I shouldn't have done that with people online. My friends all know I'm joking. Bye.
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