INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hi Everyone - I have a question - my cream legbar hen went broody, so I decided to put 5 eggs under from my hens that my rooster mates with fairly regularly (2 pastel blue from cream legbar, 2 pastel green from Easter egger, 1 brown from maran). This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. It's day 7 and I candled all the eggs. They each look the same - air sac at top, dark blob that moves as you turn the egg, no sign of blood vessels. I've compared these eggs to unincubated eggs from the same hens and they look totally different. In the unincubated eggs, they are mostly clear with a shadow of a yolk. The incubated eggs have very dark blobs. No sign of a blood ring. Mother is good - sits all day and night, gets up for a half hour every morning to eat and poop. Not an optimal time for hatching chicks, but it hasn't been unreasonably cold (30 to 50 degrees) and she's in a weather protected coop. I've read forums, looked at pictures, watched videos and haven't seen anything that looks like the blobs in these five eggs with no visible vessels. Thoughts????

I'm sure they are fine. If you'd like, give them a few days and candle again. But it sounds like they are alive from what you are describing.
Hi Everyone - I have a question - my cream legbar hen went broody, so I decided to put 5 eggs under from my hens that my rooster mates with fairly regularly (2 pastel blue from cream legbar, 2 pastel green from Easter egger, 1 brown from maran). This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. It's day 7 and I candled all the eggs. They each look the same - air sac at top, dark blob that moves as you turn the egg, no sign of blood vessels. I've compared these eggs to unincubated eggs from the same hens and they look totally different. In the unincubated eggs, they are mostly clear with a shadow of a yolk. The incubated eggs have very dark blobs. No sign of a blood ring. Mother is good - sits all day and night, gets up for a half hour every morning to eat and poop. Not an optimal time for hatching chicks, but it hasn't been unreasonably cold (30 to 50 degrees) and she's in a weather protected coop. I've read forums, looked at pictures, watched videos and haven't seen anything that looks like the blobs in these five eggs with no visible vessels. Thoughts????
What's the lights source for the candle, is it strong enough?
Hi Everyone - I have a question - my cream legbar hen went broody, so I decided to put 5 eggs under from my hens that my rooster mates with fairly regularly (2 pastel blue from cream legbar, 2 pastel green from Easter egger, 1 brown from maran). This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. It's day 7 and I candled all the eggs. They each look the same - air sac at top, dark blob that moves as you turn the egg, no sign of blood vessels. I've compared these eggs to unincubated eggs from the same hens and they look totally different. In the unincubated eggs, they are mostly clear with a shadow of a yolk. The incubated eggs have very dark blobs. No sign of a blood ring. Mother is good - sits all day and night, gets up for a half hour every morning to eat and poop. Not an optimal time for hatching chicks, but it hasn't been unreasonably cold (30 to 50 degrees) and she's in a weather protected coop. I've read forums, looked at pictures, watched videos and haven't seen anything that looks like the blobs in these five eggs with no visible vessels. Thoughts????
welcome!! did you smell them? how old were the eggs you put under her? no movement at all? can you take a candle image?
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Hi Everyone - I have a question - my cream legbar hen went broody, so I decided to put 5 eggs under from my hens that my rooster mates with fairly regularly (2 pastel blue from cream legbar, 2 pastel green from Easter egger, 1 brown from maran). This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. It's day 7 and I candled all the eggs. They each look the same - air sac at top, dark blob that moves as you turn the egg, no sign of blood vessels. I've compared these eggs to unincubated eggs from the same hens and they look totally different. In the unincubated eggs, they are mostly clear with a shadow of a yolk. The incubated eggs have very dark blobs. No sign of a blood ring. Mother is good - sits all day and night, gets up for a half hour every morning to eat and poop. Not an optimal time for hatching chicks, but it hasn't been unreasonably cold (30 to 50 degrees) and she's in a weather protected coop. I've read forums, looked at pictures, watched videos and haven't seen anything that looks like the blobs in these five eggs with no visible vessels. Thoughts????
Perhaps your light isn't strong enough for veins to show up; mine wasn't. If those "blobs" are moving, I'd say put 'em back under momma & let her maternal instincts do what they were designed to do. I've never seen a hen that could hold a candling light.
Perhaps your light isn't strong enough for veins to show up; mine wasn't. If those "blobs" are moving, I'd say put 'em back under momma & let her maternal instincts do what they were designed to do.  I've never seen a hen that could hold a candling light.

Amen brotha and the chicks don't have clocks. Just about a mirror of my advice.
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