INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Well, folks,
The time has come to close the book after another intriguing chapter in this ongoing saga. However, tomorrow's another day, which brings with it the opportunity for yet another great chapter. I can't wait

Take care; 'til we meet again

Good night

Good night, whites. Tomorrow's Sunday, so I'll see you in the funny papers!!!
Some girls want diamonds for Valentine's Day... I'm happy with a Super Coop, and Mama Garden, plotted and planned by Handsome Devil (referred to as HD). I know I've talked about these plans before, so, forgive me for repeating... Now it's finally happening!!! The first picture is the outline of the raised beds we'll build at the end of the run. Hubby designed the U shape (12' down, 9' across and 3.5' wide (our tractor is 3' wide), with an extra 3' x 4' bed in the middle.


This second pic is a panoramic taken from the inside of where the run goes...we are building the space to the left out for the coop 18ft x 8ft. It is the back of the girl's playhouse. We will tap into the electricity so I can build a brooder and hospital cage above the nesting boxes. We are pouring a slab for ease of cleaning and security. Half of the open space above the wall, to the left, will be greenhouse glass (for light and rain (should we EVER get any!) protection)), with the rest hardware cloth, where it will come across the front, framing it all in and giving them protection at night... We are making the "people door" a Dutch door I can just open the bottom half of to let the girls out. We will mount that old wagon wheel (propped up against the wall) flat on a post for a fun roost, along with a ladder roost.




The posts will be 4.5' high with hogwire. I am moving the blood orange and fig trees out of the center, into the run spaces...more protection from our overhead visitors. We are planting 2 avocados "inside" the run space as well- 1 along each wall, for protection and to screen our neighbors yards. Outside the run fence I'm planting lavender and rosemary bushes for pollinators, chicken smell camouflage and rodent deterrent. We are adding a gate at the corner from where I took the pano, to be able to close off to use for new bird integration, breeding and/or broody hens... We are adding a small 5'x4' coop at the mandarin tree end too.


I am keeping my "Bielefelder Family" over in the area the big girls have their coop now. I am planning for the big girls to move to super coop when these babies are ready to go out...just so everyone is on new territory.

Lastly, we will fill in the open space with polished gravel and put a picnic table and benches in the middle, along with my favorite adirondack chairs. This is the best Valentine present EVER! I have a feeling it is also bday, Mother's Day, anniversary , and likely Christmas...for a very long time!
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If you're banking on a 50% hatch rate, and roughly 50/50 male to female ratio, I think your odds are very good at getting 8 girls out of 33 eggs. I hope you get double that number!!!
I have pretty high hopes but I'm also wanting to be prepared for the worst. I'm buying a caponizing kit, I'm thinking Bielefelder capons will be pretty tasty.
I have pretty high hopes but I'm also wanting to be prepared for the worst. I'm buying a caponizing kit, I'm thinking Bielefelder capons will be pretty tasty.
That's the best attitude... hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. Won't be disappointed that way. I'll bet those capons will be absolutely delicious!!!
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