INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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acv 110v ptc heating element ceramic thermostats

These come in all sizes from 100W to 1000W and most are under $15.

Anyone ever try one in a cooler and would it work?????
Good Morning all

Just reporting that overnight the bator didn't have any temperatures spikes. The bator got to my desire temp by mid afternoon and has been holding steady since. Humidity has ranged between 18-25.

Day 1 down and counting.......
You might want to nudge the RH up a tad, to about 30-35%, and monitor the air cells when you candle.
Originally Posted by LocalYokel

Hey Yall,
Just wanted to let yall know why I aint been on so much.

My Pops is back in the Hospital.

He's on borrowed time with a failed heart, at 52.

He was given 6 months - 2 years. This was almost 4 years ago.

I dont know how "serious" it is this time, But recognizing the borrowed time, you just dont know what time will be the "Last."

Love Yall


Local, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Having a sick parent is a huge stretch of faith. I pray that the medical staff will meet your dad's medical needs with knowledge, wisdom and compassion. I pray that your family will be strengthened as you gather to love on your dad.

Blooie, I gave up a very long time ago trying to keep up with this thread, as well as Amy's thread. I just check in daily, and read the last page or two. I know I miss a lot of stuff, and often ask a question or comment on a subject and it get's lost in the shuffel. I trust that folks don't think I'm rude if I don't answer back, but it's really not that I'm intentionally rude... just suffering ADD, or presbycusis!
Good morning/afternoon all. Time to go shuffle the chickens one last time.

I'm hoping to integrate all the silkies -Right now I have the original breeding silkies - 2 are brooding, 2 hens and 1 roo are in the main run. There is also a pair of 5 month old buff silkies (she just started laying eggs) that have been living in the main coop/run. They keep to themselves, but get along fine with everyone. .I'm trying to integrate a 5 month old white roo with a swollen crop I inherited, along with all the silkies I still have from the NY hal and beyond. They range from 2 to 4 months. The buff pair and the 2 adult hens get along fine with the babies. The adult roo brutally attacks them. The hens try to protect the babies, but the poor roo is on his own. The white roo has been living with the babies.

How much time does everyone give their birds to integrate?

Will the big roo actually kill the babies?

I would definitely give them a place that they can get into that the older birds can't fit. I have had an older roo kill a younger roo before. I have the best luck integrating when I use an enclosure that has spaces big enough for the you
nger birds to come & go through but that the older birds can't fit in. Then the younger birds can mingle among the older flock but have a safe place to retreat to if they are being harassed too much. Plus it gives them a secure place to get food & water that the older birds can't chase them away from.
Good Luck!
You might want to nudge the RH up a tad, to about 30-35%, and monitor the air cells when you candle.

Thanks Whites, will up the humidity a little. I am planning on weighing the eggs for humidity loss. Last year I candled and found that difficult.

@LocalYokel sorry about your pops. :hugs
Last edited:
Holy smokes! You guys are prolific hatchers AND posters! Took me forever to read the 100+ posts since last night!

@LocalYokel I'm praying for peace for your dad and your family. Lost my mom to Congestive Heart failure in 1991 when she was only 58 years old. Interesting (at least to me) sidenote: She was one of the first women in the US to have heart bypass surgery. They'd been performing them on men, but not too many women. She was so young when she had her first heart attack - just 39 - but she'd lost a brother to heart disease when he was in his late 30s too. In the late 70's, Ma was taken up to the University of Minnesota hospital where the pioneer of the procedure, Dr. Lillihi (and I always spell his name wrong!) did her bypass. She lived to have another bypass in 1987, then had her aortic valve replaced. We lost her in 1991. She was the bravest woman I've ever known, and I miss her every day. I know what you're feeling right now and my heart goes out to you!

As for the barrel brooders, seems to me they'd sure get hot under there. I've learned that chicks need some chilling - watch a broody with her chicks. They aren't under her and warm 24/7 - they are too busy exploring to do much more than pop under for a quick warmup and then they're back to running around like crazy. Now, if you were to fabricate the barrel brooder, leave the door to it open, and have it within another wire pen so they were out most of the time and just running back in to warm up, that would probably work very well. My issue is (and I make no secret about it) I hate chicks not having the natural day/night cycles. Lights on them all of the time just isn't natural. They eat around the clock, they don't know that sundown means bedtime, and that sunup means another day has begun. Instead of just "going to bed" at sundown, they are active all day and night until they collapse right where they are from sheer exhaustion. And just when they get to sleep, the more wide awake ones are plucking on their feathers or tromping on them, waking them up. But, that's just me.

Okay, I've looked back through as much as I can remember, and I can't find a definition of this CAM you guys talk about. Is that even the right name? I remember something about checking air cells periodically on shipped eggs, and then the initials CAM but don't know what the heck that is. Help?
awww Blooie so sorry about your mom, I cant even imagine.

My worries as well with the lamps.... HOWEVER what about a heating pad ???? or using a thermostat?

CAM doesnt reach bottom of the egg, egg seems empty at bottom during candle! post #22178


@sally sunshine If I were to tell you when I set the eggs, I would be telling you I either am hatching before my birthday, hatching after and on (since I have two incubators) or I would be telling you my birthday. Since I won't be doing that, I can't tell you.
Just know that I candled eggs last night, and the air cells look good.
DANGGGGG IT I should have asked you when yer half asleep!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! you have a MARCH BDAY!!!! yer a turd!!! and flys are gonna sit on yer head if yer not careful!!! ughhhhhhhh fine I aint adding you!!!! but you candled so its day 7 YOUR BDADY is 28th of MARCH!!!

How many days do Japanese bantam eggs take to hatch?

I found it. Thanks for the help!

sure that was easy!! lol how are you bantie? @bantie25 INCUBATION CHARTS FOR ALL FOWL SPECIES CLICK HERE


Good Morning all

Just reporting that overnight the bator didn't have any temperatures spikes. The bator got to my desire temp by mid afternoon and has been holding steady since. Humidity has ranged between 18-25.

Day 1 down and counting.......

What are you setting this time??? Loved your last one.
Hi Jill!!!!!
hope your having a great weekend!! see if this helps you!! not sure who you are talking to lol

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Participants ONLY!

Join us SOON!

Eggs in bator/s ANYTIME in April to join us!​

“Chick Mug Shots”

"Springing in the Chicks"

2016 April Hatch-a-Long

Hosted by Mike & Sally




How Snugly Sweet are your chicks?

Show us pics of your FOWL babies snuggling up aside a warm mug!


1st Prize

6 Olive Egger Hatching eggs (LegbarXCuckoo Marans)

& 6 Sapphire Super Layer Hatching Eggs

(White Sapphire. 250 pale blue/light grey eggs per year)

Donated by, Sally Sunshine


2nd Prize

Iridescent Lime Carnival Glass “Hen on Nest”

5 ⅛” x 2 ½” x 5”

Donated by, Sally Sunshine




3/13/16 2:30 PM Sunday ***********BANTI's RECAP post #68130

karenerwin 3/14, MiraJane March 21st, Shahtir101 March 22nd, country lovin March 24th, flocktastic & Chickenwolf March 26 MotorCycleChick Rhoda Red April 1st

Making Bators:

Canadachickens, fire 4th cabinet, CliftonFarmer cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator louly coolerbator Bantychooks coolerbator
Joey Ur-ur-ur-ur post #58273
mrleeroy update post #57336
Chaos18 post #60710

FireAntFarm aka Kristins Tractor coops post #67119 post #68140 post #68171
Fire Ant Farms Coops post #49071 post #46144


ChickenLady2014 aka Lisa EHAL ~ Day 7 candling results all 17 CCL are fertile, 2 might have a early blood ring started, will recheck day 14. My 4 contributed eggs not fertile, so my total is 17/21 day 7. Oh almost forgot, fired up my hatching bator last night & set some test eggs for fertility of my Silkies & SFH. And had more Icelandic to go in. So I have 8 Icelandic, 4 EE mixes, 4 SFH & 12 Silkie eggs for a total of 28 set on 3/9/16 pm. Keeping fingers crossed that my Silkies have finally gotten back up to speed after all of their broodiness. These will be a challenge for the next week until my first bator goes into lockdown. This one doesn't have a fan & my 3rd hygrometer doesn't work well, but it will be, what it will be, lol.

Fire aka Hero always hatching! shoved 8 under a broody Cochin tonite.
Sally Sunshine Always hatching! cochin legbar marans ducks projects serama olive eggers etc.
NestingHillsSC aka Tony always hatching!
Casportspony aka Kathy aka Kat always hatching
TJChickens aka TJ Always hatching
DHetzle aka Dennis always hatching

PHAGE always hatching!
Hatch update: lots hatched - about 50. Sorry I did not get a pic of them and now they are all gone.
BUT- there are about 30 in the bator on day 9 ish and about 100 waiting to go in tonight.
Breeds are: Bcm, BF, CL, swedish black, dwarf olansk, mottled orpingtons, bss orps, and a bunch of other rare breeds.

jwlpoultry aka Justin Always Hatching!
3/6 2 Brown Chinese/ White Chinese goose eggs
3/7 30 Texas A&M quail set
3/11 19 Idaho Blueback Pheasants set Feb 18
3/12 13 Rhodebar, 7 barnyard mix, 3 Rhodebar/Lav orp
3/26 1 Brown Chinese/White Chinese goose egg
3/27 1 Toulouse goose egg
Set my eggs for the Easter Hatch-A-long.
1 Brown/White Chinese goose egg set 2/26
1 Toulouse goose egg set 2/28
4 Ameri-flower
2 OE
1 EE
3 Maran
3 Lavender Orpington
20 Rhodebar
31 Barnyard mutts
10 Lavender Orp/ Rhodebar
3 LO/ Unknown breed Splash hens
With a grand total of 81 chicken eggs set around 12:30 p.m and 2 goose eggs
3/8 1 of 2 goose eggs have hatched and other is pipped.
7 quail chicks and I have 8 others in lockdown that havent showed any pip

Canadachickens aka cc Set my eggs for Easter today.3/6
8 leghorn 8 Easter eggers 8 Columbian rocks 6 silkies

Saris aka Lacie I've set 37 eggs for the HAL! Bantam Phoenixes and Ameraucanas! I also had one of my SiAm eggs turn blood ring. Sad face... I still have 3 left. I hope they make it.

LocalYokel aka Yokel 13 Dominicker 5 Leghorn, may be White or Brown, mostly Whites in that coop.(Not the cheery oldish dude Whites) Hope the Doms and Leghorns are fertile. 7 RIR 2 out of 3 eggs under broody bator are alive/developing, 1 RIR 1 Leghorn, tossed the other.
4 out of 5 Leghorn in bator showing veins! I have 5 White Leghorns in the bator right now Due the 25th

Venymae I set 24. EHAL Feeling much better. Only my belly button is still a little sore. Pops surprised me with 24 of his eggs that he wants me to hatch so The spouse and I fixed ugly and joined the Easter Hal. They will be more greenies. 6 Eggs in lockdown today. Day 18. 3/12

Daxigait Hatch 1: 3 ccl, 7 Swedish flower hens, and 8 EE that were set on the 7th. Hatch 2: set 2/22 12 Ameruacana, and 2 blue black splash English Orpingtons
Replacement chicks ordered for next week. 3/1 Lockdown on the first group (ccl, Swedish flower hens, and EE)! Lockdown tonight on my Ameruacana and two blue black splash English Orpingtons
. Oops tomorrow, getting excited

gotro17 aka Shellee I had 44 in the bator for the HAL and just candled. None of my Foley line, Silver laced Wyandottes seem to have been fertile. Minus 8 there. 1 CCL of 2 is going strong, the other is scrambled. 1/1 olive Egger looks good. 13/18 Foley Blue Laced red Wyandottes and 12/12 lavender Orpingtons are good... 35 still, altogether-

Hawk12 aka Kristie Update: My total for the HAL is 79.
19 blue partridge and gold partridge brahmas
4 red orpingtons
4 red cuckoo orpingtons
3 silver partridge orpingtons
7 laced orpingtons
3 white orpingtons
25 choc/choc cuckoo orpingtons
2 jubliee orpingtons
12 black/blue copper marans

Peachickie aka Nicole Decided to set a dozen guinea eggs today, didn't have room in my cabinet incubator sooooo started up one of the backup 'bators

Auroradream26 aka Jess 3/8 32 turkey eggs on lockdown HAL I set 101 eggs total
26 turkey (royal palms, mottled black, silver dappled) 9 silkies (shipped eggs) 66 chickens (ameraucanas, EEs, sex links, olive eggers)

Fire Ant Farm aka Kristin I just set 8 cream legbar eggs (all from Lissa) in the Brinsea.

S5apiotrowski aka Anastasia aka AC I am setting 15 eggs tonight for the Easter Hatch-a-long. I have 12 easter-eggers (some should be olive eggers) and 3 Barnvelder eggs - all from my flock. Will be a little late - but almost decided against setting... I'll be moving soon

Chicken Hawk33 aka CH aka Seth setting a goose egg 2/16 goose egg number one is on day 17,embryo growing big and very active do to hatch between the 15@19of March.eggs two too five are on day five.all have hearts.those are due to hAtch between the 28@31 of March.

Jessimom aka Kathy 22 eggs set on 3/2 - a mix of Silkie/Sizzle/Frilkie and Cream Legbars They started out in the Incuview, but are now in my LG. Late on 3/5 we set 15 Blue Bantam EE's (Thanks TJ), 16 Spitzhauben eggs (Thanks Crazytalk), 19 of my own Silkie eggs and 6 Trader Joes eggs that I doubt are fertile, but I'm trying anyway. These are all in the new Brinsea. I added another 4 Trader Joes eggs in my LG. So, a total of 60 eggs for the Easter HAL.

HeatherMarieR I had one Ancona starting to hatch yesterday and 4 others still alive. I have quite a few Cochin eggs in the incubator, and some Muscovy eggs. My dogs killed my favorite Muscovy hen the other day, and I'm really hoping that I can hatch some of her eggs.

country lovin aka Ty 1 marans 2 Olive eggers on day 19 put 35 mixes in on Thursday due to hatch on my bday and 5 mixes went in today!

caeti21 12 conturnix quail placed 2/21 24 rir eggs 2/21 3/9 Well i put the quail eggs over yesterday i had about 4 that looked iffy but i transfered them over anyways , my last lockdown i had a zero hatch out , but miller company sent my new temp controls out and i got them replaced so hopefully bad hatch run is done for rir eggs go in lockdown tomorrow

butterfliesdoku aka Vanessa My next hatch is due the 8th chicks hatching? @butterfliesdoku

sarah25bear aka Sarah My update is 41 eggs the farm chick variety of partridge Cochin rooster mating with rir hens and barred rock hens starting at 9pm tonight.

CyndiD I received my SWH, I pulled the plug on them Sunay March 6th, they were all clear except for 1 blood ring. I received a 2nd batch of SWH today and will set them in 2 days.
I have in my bators right now:
12 Pekin duck
3 F/W Runner duck
2 Seabright
2 NH
7 LH
2 Wyan/Aus mix

Meaghan Just put two duck eggs in the incubator this morning 2/15. First time experimental hatch! I set literally 10 or so breeds/mixed breeds. I got eggs from friends and my girls. There are 50 eggs total. @Meaghan how did this go? Got an update?

bauerdog aka Joanne 3/3 just set my eggs for the HAL. 33 total, paint Silkie/showgirls, CCL, Sapphires, white leghorns, Isabelle leghorns, project blue duckwing leghorns, BBS Barred Rocks and BBS Copper Marans.

DON956 Just set 48 eggs at 12pm central time. 2/19
12 RIR 12 Delaware 12 Plymouth Barred Rock 12 Golden Sex Link Due on the 11th of March,
45 eggs left Went to lockdown yesterday with 45 eggs out of 48, yesterday afternoon we had severe weather and lost electricity for 5 hrs and my bator temp went down to 78 degrees. Any hope on my eggs to hatch?

Chicknlvn . so it's my first time incubating. Today is day 7 so this morning I candled all my eggs (36 total), marked air cells and pulled blood ring/cracked eggs. Now for some reason I can't get my humidty to stabilize.... it's up to 38 and I can't get it to come down and stay down. @Chicknlvn how is it going?

Akrnaf2 aka Benny Sal. Count me in! Theis is my second setting! 4 Rumples Aracauna 5 BPR 3 PPR This time I am hopping for an higer percentage, of sucsseful hatches!

12 Ancona eggs (pulled two clear day 7) now have 10
16 Dominique eggs
16 Partridge Chantecler & Partridge Chantecler/Java mix
Total currently in bator 42

Roada Red I have 14 of my flocks eggs in the incubator today is day 8 and they are starting to form and they are mixed with my EE rooster and americauna hen that is also mixed with barred rock salmon faverole and silver penciled rock 3/1 I have 14 chicken eggs I set a few days ago if that counts also

NaJoBeLe aka Nathan Update. 3/12 pulled the last 4 shipped eggs. Let them stay till day 10 and they were still clear. On a positive note I'm showing 37 for 37 developing of my mutts for the Easter HAL. Added 37 of mine for the Easter HAL.

pjnbill22 3/5 @ noon, Set:
12 assorted Silkie 5 Buff Laced Polish
10 Lavender Orpington (drove 2 hours each way last night for these)
2 chocolate Orpington (gifts from LO lady)
1 Jubilee Orpington (also a gift from LO lady)
3 Ameraucana (not EE)
2 mystery eggs- Ameraucana or EE, not marked, so we'll see
15 White Plymouth x EE aka barnyard mutt
3 Easter Egger
7 Midget White Turkey (set 2/27)
= 60 total- hoping for a bountiful hatch
3/7 set= Fertile eggs $5 a flat- big, small, white, tan, brown, green, blue. I bought a flat, brought them home and let them sit next to the nearly empty incubator for 2 hours. And then... Yes, I did it, I have an incubator full of "opportunity eggs" as of 8 PM Monday.

Mirajane 10 Ayam Cemani Eggs set March 1st, due March 3rd 12 Mille Fleur D'Uccle Eggs set March 3rd, due March 23rdA friend gave me 4 Mille Fleur eggs he wants hatched for him. The father could either be a Silver laced Wyandotte bantam or a Red Jungle Fowl, full sized. Going to set them tonight3/7 3/11 My candling results so far!
My Ayam Cemani eggs don't count, but are on day 11 now. 6/11 are alive. They were shipped really roughly from Idaho to California. Set March 1st.
My Mille Fleur eggs are in for HAL, day 9, I just candled them and only two were clears! 10/12 are alive! Shipped all the way from Georgia to California! That's a long way! Set March 3rd.
My 4 eggs from a friend that I set for HAL. On day 5, candled today and 3/4 are alive. Set March 7th.

Cynthia12 Got my Shipped eggs today..anyone else get some EE eggs from the Hutson family in Colorado? For the hatch a long? Let me know..would love to compare as we go along with the hatch. I can almost guarantee fertility on these. Had 29 hatch out of 32 that went into lock down...they sent 36.
My Mille Fleur eggs came today from Georgia to here in California. All 12 are intact, and 3 have bad saddle cells, 2 others minor saddle cells, and they are looking great for such a long trip! My Ayam Cemani eggs I set yesterday, and 10 are in. c

BantyChooks aka Bubbles aka Banti 11 OEGB mutts and 1 EE egg (oops..) 3/5. Temps are perfect as of day 3. I'll be buying myself a congrats/ consolation prize of 5 leghorn pullets and an EE roo at the end of March NOW so I'll have chicks either way... Or both ways!! LOL. Did a reallllyyyy super quick day 5 candle, and 11/12 have clearly visible veins!!! AC's look great too... This batch is going SO much better.

lindalouly quail hatch I will be setting tomorrow at 4.. 11 eggs total in my bator...2/28 I set four eggs. 3/5

Shahtir101 I got me a broody serama! She has 3 eggs under her right now and my friend is going to bring me more serama eggs to put under her tomorrow! That means I won't set for the EHAL, but will still be around the same time. Set 6 more serama eggs They are due to hatch on the 21st of March! Right before my birthday! 3/12 I candled the broody eggs and only had to take out one that died earlier

Finnie am running a practice batch of chicken eggs in a styrofoam cooler-bator I made over the weekend. (I didn't want to run a test hatch in the Incuview, and then have it occupied when the turkey eggs are ready.) Plus I was kind of curious to see if I could make a diy that really works, so I just did it. @Finnie what did you set and when due? have update?

lozerface79 aka Matt 13 eggs and counting. We are calibrating the bator and putting the eggs in tonight! 3/3 3/10I dont know if anyone is uo but we nust candled and nailed it! Most eggs had veins(though we couldnt see a lot of them cuz brown eggs) and the aircells were for the most part the size they should be. Some were a little small though. We are ready for next candle!!

howfunkyisurchicken aka Nichole EMU!
Just got done weighing the emu eggs. Here's what's going on (I'm calling the eggs what they're marked, so CE, CH, CI and CQ):
CE-632g, needs to loose 94.8g (11.85g/week). Target end weight 537.2g.
CH-685g, needs to loose 102.75g (12.84g/week). Target end weight 582.25g.
CI-666g, needs to loose 99.9g (12.49g/week). Target end weight 566.1g.
CQ-598g, needs to loose 89.7g (11.21g/week). Target end weight 508.3g.
I'll weight them each Friday to check weight loss and adjust humidity accordingly. I'll start with 35% humidity and a temp of 95.5F near the center of the egg. That should put them hatching somewhere around 4/23, maybe a little before. I hope. I forgot have have 2 broodies sitting on eggs! One should be due to hatch soon. She's sitting on one Silkie/Sizzle egg and 4 Olive Egger/Silkie mix eggs! The other just got started the other day and has 4 Silkie/Sizzle eggs.

DianaMallory Day 21 and 11 out of 15 eggs are hatched, 4 lonely eggs remain in the incubator. All 11 are all fluffed up now and in the temp brooder box. this was my first hatch ever, and The one thing I will do different next time is, I will use a separtart box for hatching! I just hope I can get the smell out of the incubator! YUCK! Now I know why the video I watched used one for incubating and one for hatching.

firedragon1982 Ducklings are here!! This was a pic my husband sent me at work. Had 1 hatch right when I was getting ready for work, a second hatch as I ran out the door. We are now up to 6: 4 girls 2 boys, with another on the way! One was DIS. It had zipped half way then stopped but was moving when I saw it, and of course I had to leave so I had my husband assist it, and it was dead, but came easily out of the shell. No idea what happened and it was a girl One goose egg had pipped last night. Nothing from the other 2 yet 3/5

flocktastic aka Mrs. H Set 42 eggs tonight (3/5) at 11:11pm CST!
6 Ameraucauna eggs shipped from sahwithchicks
6 exchequer, 6 marans, 6 Ameraucauna from a last minute local source and 16 random barnyard mixes from our flock (includes barred rock rooster over Easter egger, barred rock, black jersey giant and black sex link)

chickygirl7 10 cream legbar eggs, which will hopefully hatch for Easter.

rlhagan56 Hello, hope I can join in here. I started incubating my first batch of 21 eggs 4 days ago. 9 of them are shipped eggs and wouldn't ya know it, our electricity has gone off twice now and a blizzard hit after weeks of 60 degree weather. I kept a quilt over the incubator and it only lost heat down to 84.9 degrees and the humidity climbed to 65 each time. I just couldn't believe what happened! I have the 9 Ameraucana eggs, then my own EE, BLRW, and Silkie eggs. All pullets so just an experiment.

justkat59 Hatched out 10 out of 16 shipped BCM. This is my second hatch this year. Also have 6 Pekin Ducks in the bator now due to hatch 3/18. Then putting in some leghorns after that. I also have a broody RIR that has set up her best in the Ducks house. Hatching is addicting.

shellikirbey 7 new baby's out of 10 looked like never turned and one did get in air cell but never pipped shell and the other looked liked only half grew..I had to help one cause it was Peck at top and made big hole at top but never finished zipping and was drying on bottom so I took finger in warm water and applied to dry spot until it come loose and it came out in my hand and I put back in incubator for awhile and he layed on side longer than others did but he is up and eating now.

Torch404 I set 6 eggs, brabanters, a couple days ago. Going to candle tonight and see if I have veins. I'm going to be adding six eggs a week a part and try for a staggered hatch. Excited!!!

billiejw89 3/7 21 of our eggs are still looking great! I'm fixing to order some serama bantam eggs from MPC, my son has been wanting some badly!

gardeningmama Also, thanks to Trish who is just wonderful I have set my eggs!!!! 9 Serama, 3 Lavender Marans, 9 Splash & Partridge Brahma, 15 Silver, Lav & Black Am's, & 6 OE's (CCL x Marans). Can't wait to see these babies hatch BTW, this thread is lightning fast, OMLord!!

politicalcenter We got 13 chicks total and a couple of duds. We have about 40 in the bator this time.
They are silver lace Wyondots (sp) and Buff Orpington. We also have a couple of Australorp. We just gathered the eggs and put them in

henhoneygirl I just love how perfect this hatch has gone!! Everyone that's pipped so far has hatched and I haven't had to help ANYONE!!! Even the chick that pipped on the wrong end did it all by himself! This is just awesome, I'm so happy right now!! I've learned so much since my very first time hatching and this just feels like the big culmination of everything I've learned. YIPPEE!!!!

Cochix aka Tricia 3 doz BBS Amereaucana's 1 doz mixed eggs - should produce EE and OE. 9:20 am -3/12 48 eggs loaded in bators, settin time

stryker Tomorrow is day 21..3/13 The two broody hens are getting cranky with me.. I usually can do lots with them but today they were upset I was there. Going out to block off the front of their nests so other chickens will leave them alone. 13 out of 14 eggs are fertile. Not bad!

Pensmaster Ehal eggs they've lost average 6% weight. 33 of 38 going well. 3/13

Philadelphia Snapper Soup!! post #67945
Attimus wooden bator build post #67953
Aquarium Cheap light to see in Bators post #68412
Chick hatched with foot through yolk sack post #68442
Plastic Drum Type Brooders! post #68585
Cut Milk jug Bottoms OUT, place over Waterers & Feeders to keep Birds off post #68604
Aluminum PTC Heating Element Thermostat Heater Plates Click HERE & Ceramic Thermostatics Click HERE

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