INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Well we tend to act like the people we spend a lot of time with...

Well I wonder what my problem is

Does not X Infinity! :bun

Behave yourself!

Does too X infinity +1 :bun

Infinity +1 is alredy in infinity!

What about infinity and beyond?

Well we tend to act like the people we spend a lot of time with...

Well I wonder what my problem is :confused:

Are you going to spank me?! Woo hoo!!!!

No such thing!! :p

Is too.

Un uhhh! :p
Ohhhhhh! Does that mean I'm getting bad habits from Duckling, or she's getting bad habits from me?

You're getting her bad habits.

Ohhhhh! Bad baby!
If it makes you feel better, the only kids I have are the chickens... Therefore I walk around making chicken noises and such:D

About two years ago, I was stressed out. I was sitting in the truck with my husband, driving across the country clucking.
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