INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I had quite a day yesterday. I spent a couple hours in the morning being video interviewed for the Missouri Veteran's History Project. It was a brief rundown of my life pre, post and during military service. It is for veterans of all eras - WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, et. al.. The videos are going to the MO History Museum and the Library of Congress.
While I was that far south, I decided to go to our largest and oldest farmer's market, Soulard Market established in 1779. I and my chickens made some fabulous deals.
I thought I'd pick up a couple heads of cabbage for the chickens if I could get some cheap. I found a stall with 3 heads for $1. The vendor asked if I wanted to pick them out. I said it didn't matter because they were for my chickens. She asked if I could use more than 3. I got a 50 lb. box (1 1/3 bushels) for $7.50. I need some for more corned beef and some ham anyway.
I got 8 lbs. of strawberries for $5. 2 lbs. of both blueberries and blackberries for $1 ea. At that stall, I also got some red pears and onions. To show his appreciation, the guy gave me a bunch of asparagus to boot.
Picked up a couple pounds of pecans.
I got a pork tenderloin for $4 a pound.
A 10 lb. spoonbill for $20 that I'm going to smoke after I brine it.
A log of natural liverwurst in natural casing.
Some beef bologna, hot head cheese, natural franks and weiswurst.
The priciest thing was a pound slab of alligator tenderloin from the tail meat for $16. I'll prep it like veal and probably grill it with some vegetables, garlic, cilantro and finish it with some maitake mushrooms that I picked up at the Asian market a couple days ago.
I can't remember what else I got but I made out.
I also met a few people that want to buy some of my Penedesenca hens, hatching and eating eggs.

It doesn't matter. If upright in egg cartons and they pip at the correct end. It makes for pretty easy clean up and they don't play soccer with the eggs as they're hatching.


I wouldn't worry too much about bacteria. I nursed 3 hens back to health that had been scalped by raccoons. I did a subcutaneous injection of combi-pen for 3 days just to be on the safe side.
Keeping the wound clean is key. You may have to trim some feathers away so they don't stick inside.
Hydrogen Peroxide is ok the first day but after that, switch to betadine since the HP will destroy new cell growth.
I rinse the wound with saline then apply the betadine followed by an eye type polysporin. The eye type melts at body temperature so goes deep into the wound.
I repeat that a couple times a day. They heal very fast.
Man! Sounds like you made out like a fat rat! You really hit the mother-lode. I hope you were driving a truck, instead of a car.
wow! Congratulations and tell her you go girl!


Lol thanks she has them all out in her run area now , but theres 8 eggs that arent hatched but she keeps running to them checking on them so ill candle them later
I jut locked down 13 silkie/sizzle/frilkies and 6 cream legbar from papa brooders. I took out 3 white eggs from the silkie batch, they were clears. The legbar were harder to see in, so I left them all in. 3 look really good, 3 are questionable. I moved some salmon favorelles and silkies I had been hand turning in the incuview, into the empty lg spots. I'm hatching in the incuview. I hope I have my issues figured out and these hatch!!
So far, wounded chick is doing ok. Wouldn't know she was injured from her actions. Given fish mix once today. Giving again at dark. I love her, and most of my chickens are livestock not pets.

Hope she makes it. Getting 5 Dom pullets, 3 white leghorn pullets, 3 EE pullets, and 4-6(depending on the hatch) of blue and splash amerecuanas straight run, all in the next two weeks! Oh and I'm on day 14 on my bator lol!!

CC I have a question on honey bees. In California there's a shrub/tree (weed tree) called California Buckeye the pollen of which is supposed to be poisonous to the bees. Do you know anyway around this problem. I have wanted to do hives here but didn't want to kill bees. Apparently it keeps the bees from flying.
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