INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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very fussy
Probably can't wait for it's new best friends to hatch
Sounds like an interesting cross. I'm wanting more cream brabanters, and they're mighty hard to come by locally. I keep looking though:)

I thought of them awhile back but like you said they are hard to come by. The one guy on eBay seemed a little too good to be true. So I didn't order from him. This was at least a year ago. Cool looking birds.
Unfortunately, I cannot:( . Maybe if I could fly... ... ...

Well, I'm not spending that much time counting chicks! I have spent ten minutes or so before. They kept running under the ramp. :lau I count adults on the roost (even when I had 47) but counting butts and heads is a lot easier than blurs.
When I eventually separate the girls from the boys for preparation of processing, I will know if I still have all 18. Though I doubt that any would be able to actually disappear.
Glad to hear you are OK! Such a sad sad thing.

Gosh that's awful. Stay safe doesn't come close to saying enough.

My simmpty and thoughts for you and for the family of the victims! as a son of a nation that soffer from this situation more the 120 years I reconand you and your goverment not to have anny tolerance and understanding to this pepole! You should fight them and fight them hard! And send them to oblivion!
Thanks everyone. Where I am the streets are totally empty, maybe one car every so often and tons of ambulances. We live on a pretty busy street so the fact it's this quiet is unnerving.

Keeping a weather eye on the news channel, I already finished work today and I'm just trying to keep busy.
Thanks everyone. Where I am the streets are totally empty, maybe one car every so often and tons of ambulances. We live on a pretty busy street so the fact it's this quiet is unnerving.

Keeping a weather eye on the news channel, I already finished work today and I'm just trying to keep busy.

Just catching up - how horrendous. These terror groups need to be wiped off the face of the planet!!!
Thoughts and prayers to you and everyone over there
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