INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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That moment that your Ancona decides to duck under the door of the run and you spend a good half hour attempting to catch her and put her back in.‪ #‎chickenownerproblems‬

Basically what happened: that part of the foraging fence is done, but there's a good 2.5 meter bit where I haven't finished the fence and she exploited that weakness. She crawled through the 10 cm gap between the run door and the ground, then ran down to that hole and walked through. Methinks I will need to go out when Husband is off work and purchase three meters of fencing so I can finish the fence and fence up that gap under the run door.
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I'm sorry I skipped ahead...but something real bad just happened to me...I'm typing between tears.

Few hours ago.....I went down to the store to say hi to my wife.

I found here laying on the floor getting up....I asked her what was wrong.....she said she fell......she was getting up....holding her head.

She was wobbling......she went back down....she was laying there eyes wide open unresponsive...I slapped her face...shook here yelled...nothing.

Dead...she looked dead....she finally came out of it...I was screaming at her co workers for help......and they finally called an ambulance.......she refused help.....even when she couldn't remember what year it was.....she said it was 2005.

They did look her over....and recommended she go to the hospital....she refused. She hit her head on the floor as now there is a big lump on the back of her head.....I'm so mad that she won't go to the ER.

I really have no way to make her.....she went back to work....

I did a copy and paste.....from my post yesterday to let everyone know where ive been and how I was wife did make an appointment to see a dr this week.
Phil, even if you have to hog tie her and throw her in the trunk take her to the hospital. Head injuries are nothing to mess around with.
its quite possible.
there is a product out there called the 'fix me stick' that you could plug into the old unit, run the program and then transfer the data that will take care of most viruses and other chit, good for home computers, not so great for business.
you can load the fix on the new computer after data transfer, just to be safe.
never used it myself, but know lots of people who swear by this thing for their home computers.
might be worth a look.
Looks like it might be worth a try; Thanks for the info. Amazon has it for $60, which sure beats spending big bucks to let someone remotely control your computer for a couple of days, only to have problems again 6 months down the road...already been down that road, more than once.
Woke up to this:
Hey guys any suggestions for keeping the little buggers from wasting so much food by tossing and scratching,? I am about ready to try a mesh of some kind.

Also with 50+ in the brooder(actually 8.5x10 coop floor), is their an easy way to check for pasty butt? For some reason they won't stay still or even in the same area so I can get a look at them :lau

Kathy, a friend of mine bought a ducking last week and it had a runny eye. The bought meds for it and that cleared up the eye however now it's enlarge and it has a cough wheezes.

This is the good one

This is the bad one

What else can they do or will eye get better. What to do for wheezing

It could be some Respiratory pathogen, Mycoplasma could be a good candidate.
Do the post hatch shells look normal?


I swear I am a disaster waiting to happen. I take my brace off after almost eight weeks and four daysm later step in a concealed hole/depression with that foot, that the long grass hid, while walking over to check and see if the asparagus was starting. I hurt the ankle enough I had to put the brace back on
oh DAX!!! that sucks!!! good grief woman!!! more icing that sucker!! how are all the baby newborns fowl and beasts?


Day 19 and I have 1 pip & 3 rockers! Hopefully more of the 17 in lockdown will join in on the fun!!

I have 2 bators in lockdown. 'Bator 1 has 7 chicks and 10 eggs on day 22. I see 2 pips, but not sure they will hatch. 'Bator 2 has 2 pips and 34 more eggs on we are on day 19! WHEEEEEE



The chicks started early today. These 7 are all dry and ready for their photo shoot. So far 3 BBS Copper Marans,2 silkies, 1 showgirl, 1 Isabelle leghorn, 1 project blue duckwing leghorn, 2 sapphires and 1 crested cream legbar.
AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! Mine started to hatch!!!
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