INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Guys... one of the chicks i was waiting for to dry just died.....

It was the assisted egg...

you could tube him or syringe it.
I hope it doesn't come to that. But I have the stuff to do it should he need it.

I'm sorry I skipped ahead...but something real bad just happened to me...I'm typing between tears.
Few hours ago.....I went down to the store to say hi to my wife.
I found here laying on the floor getting up....I asked her what was wrong.....she said she fell......she was getting up....holding her head.
She was wobbling......she went back down....she was laying there eyes wide open unresponsive...I slapped her face...shook here yelled...nothing.
Dead...she looked dead....she finally came out of it...I was screaming at her co workers for help......and they finally called an ambulance.......she refused help.....even when she couldn't remember what year it was.....she said it was 2005.
They did look her over....and recommended she go to the hospital....she refused. She hit her head on the floor as now there is a big lump on the back of her head.....I'm so mad that she won't go to the ER.
I really have no way to make her.....she went back to work....

I did a copy and paste.....from my post yesterday to let everyone know where ive been and how I was wife did make an appointment to see a dr this week.

Benny...she is s stubborn was all I could do to get her to make an appointment.....the ambulances drivers tried to talk her into it.....I pleaded with her......I'm sure it wasn't a stroke as this happened a few years ago to and she seems fine now....but I did get her to make an appointment. When she fell she hit her head a good one. Has a big went down over night...I made her stay up late....watched walking dead to keep her up......I wish she would have gone yesterday but I could not force her to go.

I really hope that everything turns out to be okay.
That's so scary.

The clear mucus can mean that they're dehydrated, but it could also be a sign that the dying process has started. Hope he pulls through.


He's still with me, eyes opened today, though still hunching somewhat. His lady actually did the rooster call to call him over to the grower crumble this morning. It was so sweet. I think it was dehydration since most of yesterday he didn't want to open his eyes. So he didn't drink a lot. I'm going to keep a closer eye on him and tube him if necessary.
oh Saris I am sorry!!!
Thank you. He's still with me today.

For my 40k post I'm going to start a thread on worming. Any suggestions on a title for it?

Ba ba ba bird bird bird, so your bird has the worms?
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