INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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@Sally Sunshine

14 of 15 Ameraucana eggs are growing, 1 is clear
at least 6 of 9 Bielefelder eggs are growing. Some are harder to see into than others So I will leave them all in until day 15.
@Sally Sunshine

14 of 15 Ameraucana eggs are growing, 1 is clear
at least 6 of 9 Bielefelder eggs are growing. Some are harder to see into than others So I will leave them all in until day 15.

That's awesome. I've not started any eggs lately one pullet is laying a rough egg and I'm waiting till they are a little older.
Are the eggs yours or shipped?

I actually already know I have Marek's on my property, and lost a laying pullet it it earlier this year. I know that I will be breeding for resistance in all my chickens here, but would not have thought it would begin to take them down at 1 week old. I'll need to go take a look a the big Mareks thread again. @casportpony

, any ideas/thoughts?


, The chick was running around like normal earlier - ligaments look fine.

I'm off to go read some more and make up some amphoral water for cocci for everyone.

- Ant Farm

I have Marek's, and never see it in any until they are older. Do you have Corid powder or liquid?


Yeah - I just went to reread the Mareks info, and as I thought, because of the incubation period, the earliest you see symptoms in chicks is 4 weeks. (So I'll certainly be looking for that at that age around here - I want breeding stock form these chicks, so I need strong ones). The diarrhea also does not fit in my assessment.

I have Amprol 128 (amprolium) - I'm making up a strong batch (0.024%) for the little sick one and and a 0.012% batch for everyone else. Off to go finish that...

- Ant Farm
Sick one might not be drinking enough, so you could also give it a drench. I'm sure your math skills are way better than mine, lol, but I'll post this for others that might want to make a drench using 20% powdered amprolium (Amprol 128, Corid, AmproMed, etc). The mfg's say that the powder weigh 2.7 grams per teaspoon, so I would mix 1/2 teaspoon powder with 10 ml water, stir well and give 0.07 ml per 100 grams for one or two days. Poultry dose is meant to be 20 mg/kg per day. Amprolium is very safe, so don't worry about giving it in the drinking water as well.


Thank you - that is really useful! I'll see about doing that - chick weighs only 75 grams right this moment. I managed to dig up 1ml syringe, so I think I should be able to dose that small. But I also think I really need to get more liquids into this baby anyway...

FWIW, the chick's backside is pretty well drenched (halfway up the belly), and twice now when I've picked it up, I can actually see a slightly cloudy liquid drop coming out, so it seems this is practically running out of the poor thing. The paper towel I have him on keeps getting really wet. Just had a brown poop with a little pink. So far chick seems tired/like it doesn't feel well, but rouses easily and alert/clear-eyed when I give water. Does the amount of fluid loss modify ideas?

(Thank you SOOOOOO much, Kathy! My brain doesn't work well when I have a sick baby on hand...

- Ant Farm
DOn't want to scare either of you but @Fire Ant Farm and @Jessimom you may want to read up on Marek's just to be able to hopefully rule it out
I got some relatively good sleep last night, and was still sore this AM, but tried to do some stretching to see if it's that. We'll see. Meanwhile, I was checking on the baby chicks, and I found a German New Hampshire hunkered under the MHP that just didn't look right from what I could see, so I pulled it out, and it seems to have some sort of paralysis-ish thing going on - can't stand, legs curled under it, a wing out to one side. Also had a wet bottom like it was having watery diarrhea. They are 1.5 weeks old, all other chicks ridiculously healthy/rambunctious. I removed him, wiped his bottom (wasn't much actual poop, must be very watery), gave him some Sav-A-Chick (essentially dipped his beak and he swallowed), and put him in a separate mini brooder under another heating pad to keep warm. Just now I made him some scrambled eggs and tried to see if he would eat a tiny bit, but he wouldn't. He did make a little more effort in drinking when I dipped his beak again, but he doesn't look very good. You can see in the pics on the paper towel that he is pooping almost pure water. These were all healthy chicks form a reputable breeder with healthy chickens in a closed flock. They arrived doing well and were put in a clean new brooder, given a little nutridrench on day of arrival, then just filtered water and Dumor 20% chick starter. I'd like to save him if I can, but if not, I definitely want to know if there's something that I should be concerned about for the other chicks (and also to know for the future). I'm considering treating for cocci, but the not being able to get around thing is a little new to me for cocci. Ideas? @casportpony - Ant Farm
did you check the ligaments at the hock?
I actually already know I have Marek's on my property, and lost a laying pullet it it earlier this year. I know that I will be breeding for resistance in all my chickens here, but would not have thought it would begin to take them down at 1 week old. I'll need to go take a look a the big Mareks thread again. @casportpony , any ideas/thoughts? @daxigait , The chick was running around like normal earlier - ligaments look fine. I'm off to go read some more and make up some amphoral water for cocci for everyone. - Ant Farm
Can you check its eye pupil, and see if you can see iregulatory in its outlines? I think that they are to young for MD, they are 10 dayes old, aren't day?

@Fire Ant Farm Kristin are you feeling better today?
Quote: x2 sorry Kathy :(

I have 32 backyard mix due to hatch today in my LG 9200 still air. Some are hatched already. Wish me good blessings.
HOW may you have @Math

Ms,Sally sunshines thermometer shows 100.6 and the one with the probe is in a egg cup and shows 36.0 what do I do
calibrate? run between the two?

Quote: x2 it was almost 530 late afternoon and no coffee??????
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