INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Gnight everyone! Our storm warning is getting ready to some great rain and no hail thankfully!
Storm watch through 3am (yawn!)

Hope everyone has a good night!

ETA- Guess I spoke too soon! We're supposed to get slammed again just after midnight! Yowza!
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UGH so apparently my ten week old babies and DEFINITE worms. Wonderful. These are tapeworms I believe right? I went ahead and put ACV in everyone's waters(used almost a full bottle ugh. This is what happens when you have 80 chickens I suppose.) my mom insisted I try diatemeasous earth since that helped with our dogs tapeworms. I told her that many people find it didn't work with their chickens worms but I went ahead and put some in their food trays. Who knows maybe it will work.
Anyway, recommendations and dosage for a liquid wormer that I can put in the water for ten week old and 8 week old chicks?(in the same pen together.) I may have to resort to that if I find another little present like this next week.
O not at all! When you give a SHOT you enter the vitamin to the blood stream wich is the internal invoirment of the animal, while the parasites inhabit the lumen of the digestive tract wich is in fact the external invoirment.

If you give vitamin B orally than it will be stupid!

That makes perfect sense. I wasn't even thinking of a B injection.
Thank you. :bow


UGH so apparently my ten week old babies and DEFINITE worms. Wonderful. These are tapeworms I believe right? I went ahead and put ACV in everyone's waters(used almost a full bottle ugh. This is what happens when you have 80 chickens I suppose.) my mom insisted I try diatemeasous earth since that helped with our dogs tapeworms. I told her that many people find it didn't work with their chickens worms but I went ahead and put some in their food trays. Who knows maybe it will work.
Anyway, recommendations and dosage for a liquid wormer that I can put in the water for ten week old and 8 week old chicks?(in the same pen together.) I may have to resort to that if I find another little present like this next week.

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... baby's for sale

Well, they were all inside when I got home at nine. Now I have to figure out how to get them off the floor and the inside ladder and onto the roost. I tried putting a few there at dusk a couple of times, but they won't stay.
Should I move them after dark? Or since they are between four and eight weeks just wait awhile longer?
They'll move themselves off the floor in their own good time. I try not to give myself any more work than necessary.

I am glad I have not had to deal with a canines like that. Sleep well
A pair of coyotes took one of my roosters and killed a chick in the middle of the afternoon last year. He gave himself up while all the hens ran for cover. They were all safe. I knew something was wrong when the mother of the chicks ran past the house like she was shot out of a cannon headed for the road. Chickens never venture this far from the coops.

Have you been getting rain? Rain was predicted here for Monday night through Thursday night. We got about 20 raindrops Tuesday afternoon. That's it so far.

UGH so apparently my ten week old babies and DEFINITE worms. Wonderful. These are tapeworms I believe right? I went ahead and put ACV in everyone's waters(used almost a full bottle ugh. This is what happens when you have 80 chickens I suppose.) my mom insisted I try diatemeasous earth since that helped with our dogs tapeworms. I told her that many people find it didn't work with their chickens worms but I went ahead and put some in their food trays. Who knows maybe it will work.
Anyway, recommendations and dosage for a liquid wormer that I can put in the water for ten week old and 8 week old chicks?(in the same pen together.) I may have to resort to that if I find another little present like this next week.
IMHO, when you actually see worms in feces, they likely have a heavy load.
Raw ACV has vitamins, minerals, enzymes and has mild antiseptic qualities but won't treat worms.
DE works as a desiccant of soft bodied creatures. I don't know how that would work in the moist environment of the digestive tract. There are few scientific studies on its use and any that show benefits suggest there is marginal effectiveness.
When there is a heavy load, it's time to bring out the big guns.
Your first course of action would be to have a fecal sample read to determine both the types of worms present but also how heavy the load is. Then you'll know the most effective anthelmintic to use.
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CV, and outer agents could be used as a preventer that keeps in bay the worms to overflow, I use in very successful way, extremely hot paprika powder("Sudania") as a preventer, but even though my chicken are very healthy I do a deworming at least once a year at Oatohm ( I can't spell it ! :he)
I use valbzen or vermox.
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