INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Ugh, malpo......
[@=/u/65471/mlm-Mike]@@mlm Mike[/@] I moved everyone to my back yard while I work on their pasture today. Look how big the boys are!! They're ~15 weeks. :love
Well, Hello, Stranger
:frow How's things here?
SSDD. CH's run floated away the other day; they've reclaimed part of it. Hope you fared better in your area. Oh, and he's complaining he's got too many broodies. Lots & lots of hatching going on all over. Beyond that, it's been pretty much status quo. Lots of new folks have found us, some experienced, some green as grass.
He's closer to water than I am. We were a few inches all over, I think close to 9 in total last weekend? Took a few days to soak in. Yep, I've got too many broodies. Yep, I've got too many hatching. 49 eggs in the bator right now. :weee Honas are growing like weeds, sure would be nice to sell some. :/ I sold my extra roo a week ago so I should have pure HRIR eggs in a few more weeks. Maybe they'll do better. I'm 3 months behind on the farm, and garden, but better late than never? Going to set out some seeds today and :fl for a timely yield. We sowed the pasture in Bermuda, chicory, and clover today for goat forage. Do I sound like a real farmer yet? :lau Go easy on the new folks. We're all new at something or another. I've been in chickens less than two years, but I learn fast. ;)
When I'm on my mobile and using the wifi at home I have a hard time posting pics. If I switch from my wifi to the cell network than I can post pics fine.

Same for me Chaos. I have to turn off wifi to get pages to load half the time. Pretty sad that my cell network is stronger than my wifi.
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