INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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LOL! Meat has to come from somewhere! My meat is running around outside eating bugs and enjoying the sun.
True story and I so often wished iPhones were around then as I would have had a picture to share with you. In all the madness of tearing the place down we literally had a moment of wow. There wasn't so much as a scratch on that box where everything else was destroyed.

One grafted tomato made it. I'm just going to plant the rest not trying to graft anymore
I still don't understand the grafting thing. I did a little reading on it, but I'll read up a little more when the fall comes... I went to the "nursery" or "greenhouse" yesterday and picked up some more plants to put in the garden. The seeds I started are growing, but the plants I bought are way bigger than the ones I started... I'm still interested to see how they will do.

I have no idea how many of each I even have. I know one is a rooster (okay, cockerel) but he has a tiny comb. They are 3 months old. It is odd how the combs are on each mutt.
The mutts are hard to tell... One of the two that I kept from my last big mutt-hatch is definitely a boy. The other seems to be a pullet. They're only about 10 weeks old, but his rooster feathers are definitely coming in, as well as the bright red pea comb...
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