INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I haven't but I think they're beautiful. I'm incubating a few molted/spangled Orpington eggs along with some others right now. I'd love to hatch out some jubilees someday though.

I've heard that English standard orps are harder to breed because of their plumage, but I'm not sure if its true or not. Either way I'm really excited.
I tried 7 shipped Jubilees.  All clear.  I read somewhere that jubilees have low fertility rates or it might have been low hatching rates.  Either way, I'm going to stay with Lavenders and try some Chocolates next Spring.  I had some chocolates on order but their production slowed and the breeder was not able to ship:(

It might have been bad eggs. Especially if jubilees are hard to hatch anyway. I'm not sure though seeing as to how mine aren't ready for the incubator yet. It seems like I've been waiting forever. I'm going to wait until they are laying their full sized eggs before I pop em in. So excited!!!
HI everyone and welcome to all the new people..........i can't catch up yet. Still have company but still have babies coming every 8-10 days lol

I keep wrapping that tiny chick wing and no matter how perfect I get it, by morning it's off. I even stuck a bandaid under the coband to help keep it in place............uhg. it's not drooping as bad and of course shes' a healthy as a horse.

Happy hatching!!!
So I woke up this morning at 4am and no hatch, went back to bed and checked at 7 and I have 2 little chicks! All the eggs have pipped at this point so I am hoping they come out soon! There right on time!
It's interesting to note, the first one to hatch was labeled #1 and it was laid the morning of when I set the eggs, The second guy is out but hanging around his shell so Il check his/her
number once he starts to wander away.

The hatch was a ISA Brown and a dark show rooster (not sure the breed) so I expected brown fluff balls to my surprise they are yellow.
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So I woke up this morning at 4am and no hatch, went back to bed and checked at 7 and I have 2 little chicks! All the eggs have pipped at this point so I am hoping they come out soon! There right on time!
It's interesting to note, the first one to hatch was labeled #1 and it was laid the morning of when I set the eggs, The second guy is out but hanging around his shell so Il check his/her
number once he starts to wander away.

The hatch was a ISA Brown and a dark show rooster (not sure the breed) so I expected brown fluff balls to my surprise they are yellow.
Now, that's some quick work!!
New Q; put eggs in a box with heat/light 30-40% hmid.temp range 80-100°.(a week ) THEN got LG incubator. It stabilized at 99.5°, but humid was 80%. Not very long. How much Flux can they take at this age? Can i drown at 3 days gest? At what day to they HAVE to be stable? Why can't you open a crack at lock down? Or remove chicks to warming box? If my hen has been on and off the 4 -3 day old others
(she has one bb chick)should I try to incubate those? She'd rather play with bb than set
Trouble navigating site! Ok. Sooo many Qs... what is zipping what is pipping? My eggs roll every time I turn them, what's best way to stabilize? Am I turning too much? It's day 14 for 8 eggs, and 19 or so for 4 eggs. I took them from mommy b/c she wouldn't set after she had one chick. I also had an egg explode when I was removing the older eggs, and found those in the bator-stink, the shell is dirty. Worrying about germs. How do I clean safely? Can't immerse, can i? I've wiped, but they need a better cleaning? Can I put eggs in (cut off) top half of carton to keep from rolling? I don't know what all the marking on eggs tell, I haven't candled since the bb from the first few came along. After the explode, I took the 4, put in LG with 8 fresh eggs. So help with info? The shells seem very hard, humidity is 50-55%. Heat stable at 99.5. Thanx
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I guess I better get to reading and an update as I go!! it may take while
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