INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Candled last night. Day 14. Someone is waving hi. I spy extra toes!


Great picture!
Well all, my hatch is over. 4/7 chicks!

The last three quit on the last few days. Why? There was bacteria in three. I bet maybe since they were handled more than they should of for school purposes?
Well all, my hatch is over. 4/7 chicks!

The last three quit on the last few days. Why? There was bacteria in three. I bet maybe since they were handled more than they should of for school purposes?

We can't really, ever be for sure, why. So many different factors that could be involved. Glad you got the 4! Did you post photos? I get so far behind.
OMG yes... the sticks and the water thing

I've heard that the really good diviners, or water witches, can find water with a wire coat hanger.
My Dad used willow. I had a science teacher who used copper wires. He'd walk around the room, and the wires would cross (if i recall correctly) when he was over a water supply. He even passed them off to an other student, who got the same results. Water pipes under the floor. Every time the pipe location was passed, same results. A lot of the old timer "old wives tales" are cause for ??? But, if they got reliable results, who are we to argue. Of course it could be said that, if you dig deep enough, you'll hit water anywhere. Not always so. Our well is almost 300' with very poor return. Dad didn't "divine" our property. Nor did he claim to be reliable, but he would play around with it.
AWESOME! Thanks @Sally Sunshine That makes more sense. I was thinking a larger fan! I'll take a look what I can find! This is why I love this site!!


Here are my 23, I checked the other 3, 2 have internal pips and the chicks are peeping, the last one didn't have any movement or peeping but I left it just in case.
I am so happy you took it all in and listened to the T
and got every egg to hatch and one that is most likely upsidedown!!! and that is not your fault

Ordered! Should be here around the same time as eggs! YAY!!!
it makes a huge difference!!

Candled last night. Day 14. Someone is waving hi. I spy extra toes!

This has to be the candle of the year!!!!! amazing catch!!!

@TNLEGBAR62 , Inviting you to come join the thread!
yea come on over @TNLEGBAR62

My hubby thinks I should stop hanging out with you guys. He says you're a bad influence on me because I just bid on more eggs. He thinks I'm becoming obsessed, I tell him that it's better than another child (which I've brought up to him recently and he doesn't want any more kids). He didn't have much to say after that :)
we should all write him a letter saying she is not obsessed, she is just part of a cult

Wow such great information for incubation. I wish I had the time, and the $$ for this. But I am just hoping that some of the older hens I have will go broody and hatch out some babies for us next spring. I also wish I could get a set up again for my chickens and their chicks. I will eventually. I suppose one of these days I will even be able to have an incubator and a brooder and a nursery to put them in when done in the brooder. Love seeing all of the excitement, I look forward to seeing all the babies soon too!
hello! @FaerieChicken

At lockdown I remove the other vent plug right
you can take them out now, only need them at the beginning.

So far, that's the best I've been able to get. I'm thinking the incubator may need to move to another room as it hasn't truly evened out. Thanks for the candling info. I may try again in a few days... or you know.. tonight.
you cant get it to a better temp with a higher watt bulb? or moving the thermostat a hair closer? 98 is not good even for a few hours a day, But nuff said on that
I cant wait to see if you can get better with candling... oh I forgot to tell you, sometimes people say their cell phone can candle better than their flashlights can see in!

I let the incubator run all last night, and it was holding steady this morning. Thinking about the intermittent power loss when shaking the transformer, I decided to try it again before leaving for work. I also tapped it against the palm of my hand to see if I could hear anything loose (didn't want a fire while I was away). I heard a small clunking inside the transformer, so I tapped a few more times to be sure. At that point, the incubator shut completely down, and the light on the power supply started flickering. I killed it. I called Incubator Warehouse this morning, and explained what had happened. They apologized, and said they would ship out a replacement power supply this morning via Priority Mail. I should receive it in 2-3 days, which may keep me on schedule to start incubation this weekend. I also told them about the temp and humidity reading being so much higher on the IncuTherm Plus, and they recommended I trust the hygrometer on the IncuTherm Plus over the dial on the Incuveiw, and to trust the thermometer on the Incuveiw over the thermometer on the IncuTherm Plus. From what I've read, the IncuTherm tends to register higher than most of the other thermometers. I was hoping to have a good match in temp and humidity, so I wouldn't have to purchase a bunch of separate thermometers and hygrometers trying to find an average that's usable. I'm going to follow Incubator Warehouse's recommendation, but I'm also going to use an additional thermometer and monitor air cell size to confirm humidity... and hope all goes well.

good their sending you a replacement! I would still double check with other thermo/hygros

@Sally Sunshine
Thanks for asking about the kiddos :) I think we've finally turned the corner! We dealt with flu, fevers, pneumonia, ear infections and a bad cold between the 4 kids. I think I can put the hazmat suit and quarantine tape away now lol. ***shudders***

Since I'm on a roll with good news, I also re-candled the mixed eggs due 11/22 (since I was baffled about only having 1 developing egg after seeing good fertile bulls eyes.) WELL...I am happy to report I have 1 more! How did I miss that the first time? I was candling with my 4 year old daughter in the room. And I must have candled the same dud twice.
Note to self: Do not candle when the children are bothering... I mean "helping" me.

Pics or it didn't happen, right?
Here's my green egg day 10:

I'm curious to know what the deal is with the other 4 but my husband asked me to leave them in there just a little while longer, just in case. Since he just built me a big insulated coop and new brooder I couldn't say no ;-)
I am glad they are feeling better! if your really not sure and you cant see in it that great do the sniff test, if it doesnt stink let it in yet and sniff it in two days and try to candle it again.

Well all, my hatch is over. 4/7 chicks!

The last three quit on the last few days. Why? There was bacteria in three. I bet maybe since they were handled more than they should of for school purposes?
awwwwww thats a bummer peep! I was so hoping they would all make it for you!
An egg exploded and got goo on the egg, causing increasing stink. I can't immerse to clean it, can i? . I'm misting and wiping the 4 stinky eggs. Today is 19 for the 4. Do you know of a way to clean, any thing like watered down H202? To dab on and rinse off? It's causing a LOT OF STINK in the room, and house. I have moved the 4 to the side to let them be together if they are gonna hatch. I can mist separately. I will try the egg carton to stop the rolling. I am turning 3+ times a day, sometimes just rocking the LG,(singing lullabies). How do I know pipping? What humidity do I need for the 19th day? This feed sure has helped me thru this! Bless y'ALL!
My Dad used willow. I had a science teacher who used copper wires. He'd walk around the room, and the wires would cross (if i recall correctly) when he was over a water supply. He even passed them off to an other student, who got the same results. Water pipes under the floor. Every time the pipe location was passed, same results. A lot of the old timer "old wives tales" are cause for ??? But, if they got reliable results, who are we to argue. Of course it could be said that, if you dig deep enough, you'll hit water anywhere. Not always so. Our well is almost 300' with very poor return. Dad didn't "divine" our property. Nor did he claim to be reliable, but he would play around with it.
I played with it a little myself; never came to anything, though. Doesn't mean it's bogus.
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