Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Curiously, what color are the parents? I was so excited when I saw my first white ones and really shocked when they started getting darker!

9 is making progress - there is a hole about the size of a dime where she has pipped. We can hear her cheeping!
They are very cute! My experience with wrong end pips is limited to three, one chicken chick, one peachick and one duckling. The chicken chick got out on it's own, but the other two died shortly after pipping. FYI, some people say that you should never breed one that pips at the wrong end as it could be hereditary.


Hum, Not sure about it being hereditary.
Hum, Not sure about it being hereditary.
With ducks and chickens I don't care if it is or not, but peafowl, sure don't want to take the chance and raise one for three years just to pass that trait on, nor would I want to sell one for the same reason. Full disclosure to #10's new owner would be the responsible thing to do, IMO.

Sorry I'm gonna have to disagree for a moment, Pipping at the wrong end, can be breed and not necessary a hereditary thing. I have had several chickens and some ducks pipped at the wrong end, ended up with NICE looking kids and hatched out perfectly fine.. I don't think it's something you need to announce to new owners..

Pipping at the wrong end is an incubator issue not a breeding issue. Sorry I disagree with you
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