Incubator and equipement questions


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 31, 2014
So I just applied at the Game and Fish for a wildlife possesion permit, so maybe, if they like me I might be able to start raising cotornix soon. How exciting! I have absoltely no idea how long it will take for them to get back to me, or if I will get the permit, so I am killing time and anxiety by looking at incubators I may get. I have questions.

First off, I've pretty well decided that I'm going to get a hova-bator, but there seems to be so many differnt types of hova-bators I don't know what to do. I just searched "hova-bator" on ebay and the price seems to range from like $60 to $200. Aparently not all hova-bators are created equal. What model to you guys have? do you have a hova-bator or something else? Does it work well? I'm looking for an esentially idiot-proof incubator. What should I get to get the best/easiest/safest incubator? How hard is it to hatch without an automatic egg turner? What should I watch out for in buying an incubator?

Also, how hard is hatching eggs in general? Basically any info on incubators and hatching would be appreciated.
So I just applied at the Game and Fish for a wildlife possesion permit, so maybe, if they like me I might be able to start raising cotornix soon. How exciting! I have absoltely no idea how long it will take for them to get back to me, or if I will get the permit, so I am killing time and anxiety by looking at incubators I may get. I have questions.

Where in the world do you live that coturnix quail are regulated?

First off, I've pretty well decided that I'm going to get a hova-bator, but there seems to be so many differnt types of hova-bators I don't know what to do. I just searched "hova-bator" on ebay and the price seems to range from like $60 to $200. Aparently not all hova-bators are created equal. What model to you guys have? do you have a hova-bator or something else? Does it work well? I'm looking for an esentially idiot-proof incubator. What should I get to get the best/easiest/safest incubator? How hard is it to hatch without an automatic egg turner? What should I watch out for in buying an incubator?

You'll want to make sure whatever incubator you buy has a fan (called a forced air incubator) and an egg turner. The hovabator ( model number 1602 i think but I may be wrong) can be equipped with both of those options which is the price difference you're seeing. they work pretty good from what I see, a lot of members on here run them.

Also, how hard is hatching eggs in general? Basically any info on incubators and hatching would be appreciated.

It's pretty darn easy to get an egg to hatch. However it is a skill and as your skill increases hatch rates will increase with and your problems at hatch (curled feet, spraddle, etc.) will decrease.
It seems pretty easy to hatch quail. We were given a quail set up and I learned everything I needed to know right here on backyardchickens! We have a littlegiant incubator and while it is finicky to keep its humidity, it worked. I have hatched so far, 10 out of 19. 5 are alive as far as I can tell with the water trick and 4 were empty. I say, its pretty easy!
I have the hova 1602n with a egg turner. Had one years ago and hatched chicks, quail and ducks in it. Easy to use once you get it set up.
Has anybody used little giants successfully? Or how about farm innovators? Hova-bators really don't have that great of a review on amazon, so that makes me a little nervous.

lol I'm in Wyoming, and in Wyoming all quail are considered game species, which is slightly annoying because I have to jump through some hoops (e.g. I have to find vet certified stock. Ugh. Finding that is going to be a nightmare) but I'm really not complaining because the city I'm in doesn't allow any "domesticated ducks, geese, poultry or livestock" so I could raise pheasants, but not chickens because pheasants are a game bird and they don't fall under that city ordinance.
I use a Little Giant! I also have a foam one with a fan installed for sale if you want it. We only used it once but was given a bigger one so we use that instead. Bought it for 75 bucks but willing to sell it for 50. Not sure how much shipping would be though.
All those incubators you list are essentially the same, just made by different folks. Hovabator is made by one of largest suppliers of quail raising supplies, and they've been around a long time.
So hova-bator really isn't a whole lot better than little giant? Because there's a sale on little giants at a store near here. How necessary is the forced air for incubators? Will it affect my hatch rate if I didn't have forced air?

Chickenmama, thank you for your off but I will have to pass it up. I'm doing this project with my boyfriend, and he's paranoid about buying used products. He wants to buy all new items, and that's ok because he's agreed to fund it lol. So thank you, but I'm good.

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