Incubator mishap


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 27, 2014
Heartbroken. I've had to rehome my rooster and I wanted to hatch some of his eggs to see his offspring. I borrowed my father in laws incubator, had it set up for more than 24hours to get setting correct and consistent. Placed my eggs last Saturday and all was well. This is my first time by the way! Yesterday(Thirsday) I noticed temp went to 104, I adjusted and it was well the rest of the day holding steady at 100. This morning I woke to find the temp 118!!

I know that is way too hot, obviously something is sticking with the thermostat. My question is can I be certain those embryos are dead and discard them this morning, or should I wait until dark and candle them to be sure? My Roo left Monday, and I understand there is still a chance of my hens laying fertile eggs so I'd like to get working on the incubator and get it going again before it's too late.
Your hens can lay fertile eggs for 2 weeks post rooster. The eggs sound like they are only a few days along. Too early to candle. I would just start over. You can gather eggs and just leave them on the kitchen counter while you work out the thermostat problem.
Heartbroken. I've had to rehome my rooster and I wanted to hatch some of his eggs to see his offspring. I borrowed my father in laws incubator, had it set up for more than 24hours to get setting correct and consistent. Placed my eggs last Saturday and all was well. This is my first time by the way! Yesterday(Thirsday) I noticed temp went to 104, I adjusted and it was well the rest of the day holding steady at 100. This morning I woke to find the temp 118!!

I know that is way too hot, obviously something is sticking with the thermostat. My question is can I be certain those embryos are dead and discard them this morning, or should I wait until dark and candle them to be sure? My Roo left Monday, and I understand there is still a chance of my hens laying fertile eggs so I'd like to get working on the incubator and get it going again before it's too late.
Wait!!! Don't throw anything out just yet. Go ahead and collect the eggs from the hens just in case- but candle those little eggs and check on the little guys before you toss them. Depending on how long it took the temp to shoot up that high and how long it was at the higher temp, there still coud be life. Let us know the outcome.
If you need a guide to help you determine what you are seeing use this:
If you set last Saturday, they are 6 days old and you should at least be able to see the veining and the beginning of the embryo (if your eggs aren't extrememly dark shelled). If they were fertile and the heat did them in then you will most likely start to see blood rings, or lose floating dark spots that move when you move the egg.

BTW: I candle mine at day 3/4 and can see veining as early as that as long as they are lighter shelled eggs.
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Thank you! I'll hold off until tonight and candle them. I will be collecting eggs to store just in case though. I'll let you know how it goes.
When you candle, candle down into the egg from the air cell. (Round end). This will help you see the air cell and the veining that is usually more visible around the air cell at this early in the incubation. Once you start candling from the air cell down into the egg, I think you'll get a better idea of what is going on in there. A couple of those look clear right now, but it could be the pic. I almost think I can see veining in some, but, again, it's hard to tell with the pics. I'll show you what I mean:

The bright end is the air cell and it lets more light into the shell to see a clearer view.
Ah, I'm so new and have no idea. Lol! I see some veining in a few. Most have a dark circle around the perimeter, as seen on these. That normal? Is it a good sign that I still see veining? These shots are from the air sac. I went out relief and realized I did it wrong. Take two...thoughts?



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That bottom one is usually how my green eggs look. If you see veining that is excellent. That is what you want to see!! It's still hard for me to tell from the pics, because they are pretty red, but the top two I think I can make out the faint veins. I say give them some more time. Veining is a sign of development and as long as you can see that, there is much more hope.

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