Incubator mishap

That's great!! Thank you for all the help and input.
Hope they all do good!

After doing lots of research and watching numerous YouTube videos, I'm feeling more confident about candling. I'm not convinced I was seeing what I was supposed to. I'm eager to candle again, but don't want to wait until this evening. The incubator is currently in the shop. Would it be too much on the eggs to briefly bring them to my closet in cartons to candle while the kids nap?
After doing lots of research and watching numerous YouTube videos, I'm feeling more confident about candling. I'm not convinced I was seeing what I was supposed to. I'm eager to candle again, but don't want to wait until this evening. The incubator is currently in the shop. Would it be too much on the eggs to briefly bring them to my closet in cartons to candle while the kids nap?
I think that is fine, I candle my eggs often
Well I candled again, sadly all eggs were a loss. Many of them had developed but the embryos were not moving, the veining was minimal and I'm sure(from research) I was seeing blood rings. Sad, but at least I know and can begin the process of trying again and hoping the incubator behaves. Thanks again all for your help!
The same thing just happened to me, all eggs were infertile. In a week or so I will order eggs online and do either duck or chicken, cant wait till I actually have some babies!
Well I candled again, sadly all eggs were a loss. Many of them had developed but the embryos were not moving, the veining was minimal and I'm sure(from research) I was seeing blood rings. Sad, but at least I know and can begin the process of trying again and hoping the incubator behaves. Thanks again all for your help!
Sorry to hear that. I was so hoping taht it wouldn't be a complete loss. Good luck on this next try!
I just candled my second batch on day 6. So far I'm only questioning 4 out of the 26, but I've left them all in there until I know for sure. Exciting, this could be my fist successful hatch. Yay!

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