Incubator not heating up any more!!!



In the Brooder
Dec 3, 2018
I have a Farm Innovators 4250 incubator that is being a giant pain. I used it last year to incubate 4 batches of eggs and didn't have any issues with it heating and staying at the correct temp. I just got it back out and running this year a few weeks ago and it will not get up to temp for the chicken eggs I have in there. its been running for about 18 days now and occasionally I can get it to heat up to 99 or 100 degrees but it doesn't stay there for long and now its not even getting close to 90 degrees. I currently have the temp set to 150 and its not getting any where close to even 90 degrees . could the heater be bad or dead?
I had to replace a heating element in one incubator and a couple of thermostats in others over the years. Since it is heating, it may be the thermostat going bad. Is it a wafer thermostat or electronic one? I had to replace both.
I had to replace a heating element in one incubator and a couple of thermostats in others over the years. Since it is heating, it may be the thermostat going bad. Is it a wafer thermostat or electronic one? I had to replace both.
its electric. I'm pretty sure that it is crapping out on me. i'll probably order a new one tomorrow since I have some eggs coming in this week and I need it to work so I don't waste perfectly good eggs :)
:welcome :frow I hope you can get it fixed in time. Hope you have a good hatch. I have never had good hatches this time of year. Good luck and have fun...
:welcome :frow I hope you can get it fixed in time. Hope you have a good hatch. I have never had good hatches this time of year. Good luck and have fun...
yeah I'm worried about hatching this time of year as well. last year I hatched in spring / early summer
Odd. It might be time to replace the incubator since it isn't heating right. Other than that, I'm not sure what could be going on. Did you check for any cracks in it that could be making it colder?

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