incubator qeustion


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
i was wondering if yall can tell me a good fairly inexpensive incubator to get for me to try and hatch some quail. ive never done it and would like to try. i have 4 big butler bobwhites and 10 cotournix. i havent got any eggs from the bobwhite yet but get a couple a day from the cots. ive heard about letting chickens hatch them but dont know if thats ok or what. i have 9 bantam hens so if thats possible i could try that. thanks for the help.
I've never had a coturnix hen set eggs.. not saying it's not possible.. but pretty rare when it does happen

for incubating I've had good luck with the brinsea incubators.. I think the least expensive bator that would be reliable would be something along the lines of a home made cooler bator

personally I don't like the LG bators .. here it gets way too hot in the summer for them to work properly (we don't use AC)
Yes, you can use a broody bantam chicken to sit on your quail eggs. Put the eggs in gradually and please, either separate her from everyone else or take the babies almost as soon as they hatch. They are not like chicks, they will walk away from "mom" almost as soon as they hatch, and they are the size of a bee. Your biggest problem will be the hen accidentally cracking eggs. Good luck. I'll be trying this with my silkies this year. P.S. I just bought a Brinsea, haven't even got it yet, but I went with them because the reviews are the best and my mini advance is pretty automated.
i use a Hovabator 1602n, its a still air model runs about 50 bucks, i put a pc fan in it to convert it to forced air.

i've never had any issues with it, just got the auto turners to go with it(they were about 50 as well)
Well, if you want to hatch game birds(Quail) , I can tell you what to avoid...anything that starts with L and ends with G.

Nuff said!

Good incubators are not inexpensive
I have been using hovabators the last coupla years I liked the first one so much I got a second one I have duck in one right now and coturnix in the other when the gambels and chukars start dropping eggs they will be in them as well
Well there is quite a range to choose from... I would agree with Joe on the one he says to avoid. You might want to take a look at one of the models from Brinsea as they are known for quality as bckyrdchknluvr mentioned.

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